Hi Numerologist community, thank you once again for joining me for another episode of the Numerologist Podcast.

In this episode, we’re joined once again by our resident numerology expert, Roy Kirkland, to discuss the Expression Number.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Numerologist Podcast, where we bring you a very special guest every week to help guide you on your spiritual journey, live with abundance, and inspire your soul.


Hi Numerologist fans. Welcome back to another episode of the Numerologist Podcast with me, your host, Rose from numerologist.com. And we’re back once again with our favorite numerologist, Roy. Hey Roy.


Hey, how are you?


Very well, thank you. Now we’re actually going to go into quite a big topic today. We’re going to be talking about the expression number. So I’m really excited to learn all about the expression number, and we’ll have a few other episodes as well that go into a bit more detail about this topic. But for now, let’s look at the expression 101. So what is the expression number?

Read more: The Birthday Number Explained With Roy Kirkland


Well let’s talk about it like this. The expression is the numerological sum of the heart’s desire, also known as the soul urge, which is the sum of the vowels, and the personality number, which is the sum of the consonants, which means it’s actually the sum of all the letters in your name. But at the same time, it’s really a lot more than that. There’s a principle called synergy that we use a lot in modern philosophy and physics and stuff like that, that means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, you can’t tell what an automobile does or what it’s actually for or how it works if you have every single separate part spread out on a lawn or something. It’s not until you put it together that it becomes an automobile. Otherwise, it’s just something that’s a bunch of parts.

In other words, the whole idea of synergy is that a complete thing does something more and sometimes different than what the assemblage of the parts can do. Now the body is like that. The human being is a synergetic unit. If you separate the heart, the liver, the kidneys, they each have their own functions, but at the same time if you put everything together, all the nerves and electrical signals and all that stuff together, then you have a person. So in other words, everybody on a sports team will have different specialty moves and skills, and even different functions on a sports team, but the athletes’ ability to function together is what makes the team, is what wins or loses the game. You see what I mean?

And so synergy explains what the all encompassing nature of number nine is like too. In the old numerology books, they used to always say it’s all-encompassing, meaning that it carries a little bit of everything from one through eight in its job. That’s why in real old numerology books, especially in the Calvian numerology, they don’t assign any letter to nine because they say that the number nine is reserved for God. And it’s a very interesting system of numerology. Even though it’s very old school, it works very well today.


Yeah, okay. Hey Roy, I’m going to have to get you to maybe change your headset. It keeps clicking. It keeps going in and out. Do you have a different, whatever you were using last week?


Yeah, I could do that. I don’t know why that is. It might be because the [inaudible 00:04:09] software is updating or something. So let me switch over to the [inaudible 00:04:13].


Okay cool, thank you.


It will only take a minute.


Roy, it’s really funny you mentioned about all the pieces to the puzzle sort of laid out on the ground there, and it all has to sort of come together. I feel like sometimes that’s my life, and I think a lot of people would also feel a bit like that as well. So let’s talk about the expression number and how it brings all that together. So what is the expression number?


Okay. The expression, I like to use this phrase to describe it. It’s about you as a human doing rather than a human being. In other words, it’s about what you bring to the table. It’s about your contribution to the world around you and the way the world reflects your contribution back to you. Some people call this paramount. For instance, in other words, you give to the world and the world gives back, and that’s what the expression talks about. It contains all the little tells. You know that expression called tells that we use for people playing poker or something like that?




Little give away signs that lets others know when you’re in a mood.




It holds all your skills and talents, and maybe some that you haven’t explored yet at hand, but when they’re needed, it’s like a monitor on a computer that turns the millions of internal electronic processes and their interactions into a YouTube video, a document you’re working on, or connects you to others through the social network. In other words, we don’t do anything with those computers that isn’t analogous to something that happens within ourselves. And the expression is sort of like the interface between you and the rest of the world by way of the internet. The expression is an action. It’s not a name for something. If you think about it, express is a verb. Sometimes we use it as a noun when we order express shipping, meaning you better hurry up and get it here, but it’s not a name for something. It’s more of a verb. It’s an action. It’s about how we express ourselves and how our expression affects other people. And consequently, they process it and it’s about how their return of that expression affects us.


Right. Okay, well that’s interesting, that sort of perspective on it. It sounds like it’s more than just a combination of the heart’s desire and the personality numbers though. So can you expand on that a little bit?


Yeah. Yeah. Let’s get a little more in depth about that. It’s more than just a combination of the personality and the soul urge. A more wholistic picture of a person’s individual psychological makeup is involved here. And let me explain a couple of important terms that I know and that I think in terms of. You don’t have to see it this way, but from the standpiont of Jungian psychology, the psychology of Carl Jung, the ego is what protects us from the personal and collective unconscious. In other words, all these thoughts we have in our own subconscious, some of them we’re aware of, and some of them we aren’t. It’s usually the ones that we aren’t aware of that cause problems for us in our life. Complexes and things like that.

And also, there’s a collective unconscious. There’s things in the mind that we share with all human beings. Sometimes they’re just in a little cultural bubble, or in little family bubble, or a historical bubble, but nevertheless, these are collective ideas as opposed to personal thoughts. It’s the primary force that protects the self against most of our own thoughts too, that could cause us harm if we persist in them, and whether or not they are our own or come from other people or self-damaging fantasizes that exist in myths, stories, and ideas that are part of the collective mind that we share with others. An example of that is what they call a Cinderella complex. When somebody just wishes that a fairy godmother would come along and introduce them to a prince. Or when they say somebody is looking for Mr. Goodbar is a more verdant expression for that.

Read more: How The Universe Is Rooting For You (& Why It Means You Won’t Fail This Week)

So when people think of the ego as a person’s overinflated image of themselves, they’re talking about that person being possessed by a sense of grandiosity. In other words, they think they’re bigger and better than they actually are. That’s what we generally call the ego. Saying the person has a big ego, that’s not necessarily true. The person has an overinflated sense of grandiosity. That kind of character defect is clearly seen in the expression. But as a result of a problem at the level of the personality number, which is where psychologists, spiritual healers, and self-help guides and all that kind of stuff, they all work on the level of the personality number. So the ego shares energies and forces of both the heart’s desire and the personality, because it’s trying to protect that deepest inner level of the self from the damage that can be caused by all the stuff in the environment, sort of like the ego is the part of us that puts on the sunblock and so on before we go into the regular environment to keep ourselves from getting too many UV rays and stuff like that.

So the self image is another aspect of the expression. It’s a term that a lot of meditators, especially those in Buddhist traditions and books on mindfulness call the self-image, the part of us that reviews ourselves. It forms our personalities and analyzes the world on both an emotional and rational level. It’s where the ideas about a person’s styles of behavior, including speech, appearance, and so on come from. In other words, the self-image is the you that you like to be, or that you want to be, or that you try to be. It’s also constantly analyzing possible threats and sends that information to the deepest level of the self so it can send out the defensive forces of the ego to combat that kind of stress. It also has a direct line to ego, as I just mentioned, and connects the personality and the heart’s desire numbers.

It’s our inner critic, but it can also be our internal cheering squad. This is what I call in a lot of my writing the internal guidance system, or your energetic guidance system. That which leads you to, or tries to lead you to where you want to go. Sometimes we just override it because it’s like your friend, say your best friend wants to go mountain climbing or something, and you just dread the idea. It might actually be a good thing for you to do, but if you just dread the idea, you’re not going. And there might be a good reason for that. It might be that your energetic guidance system is trying to keep you from causing yourself trouble or harm. It’s through the self-image that we encounter most of our problems, but it’s also the part of us that attaches meaning to life, meaning to our experience, and lets us know what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. It’s more like an acting coach than it is like anything else. An acting coach who teaches you how to respond to a director of a play or whatever.

The expression is guided by the self-image and the needs of the ego, but is partly explained by the heart’s desire and the personality numbers. That’s kind of a way of breaking down what the expression actually is into… How do I put it? Understandable chunks or pieces where there actually are no pieces in us. But it’s an easy way for us to understand what’s going on within ourselves and around us. And this is one of the things I like about numerology so much, because the chunks are so much bigger than they are in like astrology or some of the other methods of studying the personality, or even in psychology. It’s easier to understand than that because we’re looking at three big chunks here, three big pieces. And all of these things are different ways of describing facets of the human personality, but all these descriptions are in reality just one thing, the expression itself.


Sorry Roy, I couldn’t get myself off mute. Well that all sounds like a lot.


Yeah, well I knew this would be a little complicated, but it’s really not that complicated. If you think of the expression as the key number of the individual self and like the life path, as like the key number of the environment, then it becomes a lot easier. Okay?


All right, so can you give us a brief example of how this works in personal numerology? Because I’m sure a lot of people listening to this want to know how it works for them.


Yeah. Yeah. Well let’s do that by giving you an example. And I’ve wrote up a brief essay about this guy for the blog. It’s Elon Musk, who’s often called a visionary genius. We know that he is a genius, without a doubt. His car company, Tesla, is the most valuable car company in the world. As a matter of fact, last week it beat Toyota in market cap and now has a larger market cap than the next six companies below it, which are Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Ferrari, and somebody else who I don’t remember off hand, but anyway, it’s worth more than all of them combined. He’s building a tunnel under Los Angeles for a super fast train to run on magnetic repulsion. His rockets and space capsules are proven to lift multiple astronauts into space at like a tenth of the cost or the danger of the space shuttle. And all of that is part of his project to build a human habit on Mars. I don’t know what he’s going to do about the radiation up there, but nevertheless, this is a guy that’s taking us into outer space with a private company.

And we look at his numbers, and we see his soul urge, or the heart’s desire, as being a total of five. A five is a trend setter. A trend setter is a person who is always ahead of the game, who other people are following. And this is a perfect example of a five. If you’ve ever seen him on an interview, you know he’s a really relaxed kind of guy who at least to enjoy himself, which is another aspect of five, and that he’s always one step ahead of the critics. He’s at the cutting edge of today’s technology, and waiting for the world to catch up with him. All of these attributes are normally associated with a five. His personality number is six. His vision of electrical power for the world, high-speed automatic transportation, and other projects and ideas that he’s basically described for building harmony within the environment, comfort within the home, and he’s well-known for his love of children. All of these are different attributes of six, his personality, his personality number.

So we add five and six together, and what do we get? We get 11. That’s the expression. Some numerology books call this the master psychic, or the visionary, which is the name that I prefer. It’s the mark of someone who celebrates their own uniqueness, is charismatic, and finds it easy to influence others. In one interview, he even described himself as a kind of a wizard. And in my opinion, he’s living the 11 life better than almost anybody I can think of, except for maybe Tony Robbins, who also has a lot of 11 in his chart. But at any rate, I picked him because his name is short, but the numerology of it is very clear and on target about what we see of him on TV and on the web, in the news, et cetera. In other words, he’s a pure example, an excellent example of what an expression number is all about.


You know Roy, I really love it when somebody is sort of that mysterious kind of person, but their numbers just reveal everything about them. It’s so good.

Read more: Why Your Personality Number Will Help You Navigate Momentous Changes In You Life!


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right, exactly, and it’s the same thing for all of us. Whatever our expression number comes out to be reveals something about our character that is so central to the behavior and so on and so forth. So at any rate, yeah. Yeah, he’s a good example.


Absolutely. But it just makes me ask a different question. I thought we were working with single digit numbers here.


Yeah. Well I usually describe a lot of single digit numbers in my writings in blog posts and so on, even though I’ve started to work with these master numbers and karmic numbers and so on and so forth, I do that to keep beginners from getting thrown off by the fanciful descriptions of these master numbers and karmic numbers on the internet and in books on numerology, because they says all sorts of things that just aren’t realistic about these. And to me, the idea of calling them master numbers is kind of silly, because what are they masters of? They’re not prime numbers or anything. But anyway, for the expression number, like the life path, we’re kind of obligated to use the bigger numbers. Unlike the life path, however, we often see the higher master numbers like 33, 44, and others in the expression because names can be very long. And those long names, like a name that totals up, when you total up all the alphabet values, can easily total up to 44 or 55 or 33, and so on and so forth.

So like in Elon’s case, even though is 11 describes what he does and his behavior, you can also see the two in some of his interviews where he appears to be an unassuming and reasonable person, but he really sticks to his guns when it comes to what he’s doing and how hard it is to influence his ideas and so on and so forth, without being stubborn like a four. But that’s the sign of a really high level two. And that often comes when that 11 is subdivided down into a two.

He’s even made comments like he thought that the Tesla stock was too expensive. This was back in May of this year. And the date that he did that was on the first of May. Now five plus one equals six, which is one of the components of his personality number. And then at 8:11 in the morning, California time, was when he said this. So there’s the 11 coming back again. And then they made a five for one split, which was announced on August the 11th. So here we have 8/11 coming a couple of times, and so these kind of things are not coincidences, even though they may look like them on the surface. They’re not coincidences. I have to wonder whether it was strategic planning on his end because he knows something about this, or whether it’s just the magic of the soul urge number. I just don’t know. I can’t tell.




That’s not important. That’s genius [inaudible 00:23:30].


And my next question is going to be a little bit of a tangent, but it’s a bit of a personal question to you, because it sounds like you really like Elon Musk, but I’m curious, do you follow him because his numerology is so fascinating?


No. It’s not like I’m a fanboy or something. I read a lot of financial news though, and he’s constantly in it, and I can’t get [inaudible 00:24:03].


So let’s talk about, I know you’ve mentioned this before, but just for our listeners who are a bit confused about what it is, what is the subtotal?


Okay. Now sometimes we have a name that’s much longer than Elon Musk’s name, and it comes to a very high compound number, like say 46 to 73 or something like that. And many of us numerologists like to look at that high compound number, which is the subtotal, before you finally reduce it to a single digit number, because it has something to say about the character of a person as well. For instance, if a person’s name totaled up to, say, 45, well we know that means they’re going to be a nine, but it’s a four and five nine as opposed to a seven and a two nine, which makes for kind of a difference in the character. Like the four and five would be more of a hard working kind of idealistic person who will not put that hammer down no matter how hard the foreman tries to tell him, “Hey look, the house is built. You don’t need to hold the hammer anymore.” But these things have a lot to tell us about the influences, the conflicts in the individual’s life that are more obvious to others than the expression number itself. But this will also be a topic of future posts on the expression and talks when we’re covering famous people and stuff like that. But there are a lot of ways of breaking the expression down into chunks that work well, okay?


Mm-hmm (affirmative). Absolutely.


Yeah, and these subtotals, just one of them.


And I actually think that’s quite an important thing to note, because there’s only a finite number of numbers that we actually attribute to ourselves in our expression number, personality number, all those different things. But looking at the subtotal is, the one single digit or master number that you come to when you’ve totaled everything down is kind of the surface, and you’re just kind of scratching underneath the surface with that subtotal, aren’t you?


Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative). Exactly. Exactly. And the subtotal comes from not even paying attention to the personality and the soul urge. It’s when you just total up all the letters straight across, all the letter values straight across, and you come to the subtotal first before you come to the whatchamacallit. So it’s more of a component of the way that the name is actually spelled and so on and so forth than either the soul urge or the personality is. Those are separating those components into two categories. So it’s specific to the expression. It doesn’t make much of a difference in the soul urge or the personality number, I’ve found in my own research, but it is specific to the expression, and it’s something that we ought to pay attention to when we’re doing readings or we’re trying to understand our own expression numbers.


Absolutely. That’s a super interesting point, actually. I just want to go back a step, because usually at this point during the podcast, we would have told our listeners how to actually calculate their expression numbers. So we’ve heard about the numbers that are allocated to Elon Musk’s name, but how can our listeners figure out which numbers are allocated to the letters in their name?


Oh yeah, no problem. There are a couple of ways of doing that. The first way is by breaking down the soul urge and the personality. The soul urge, you just total up all to vowels, and I believe you should include Y as a vowel in numerology, because the way we use it in the English language and the way it’s used in many other languages, it only has a vowel sound. The only time you shouldn’t use a Y is when it’s totally silent, and you don’t find that in English. But anyway, we have the vowels, we add them up and see what we get in order to know the soul urge, and then we add up the consonants, like B, D, and so on to find the personality number. And then when we get those two numbers, we add them together. Okay?


Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Now sometimes the soul urge and the personality might be a master number, but the sum of them changes it to not be a master number, and that has a lot to say in itself. Like say for instance a person has a soul urge number as 11, and a personality number as, say, six. That means that they’re going to be an eight. Yeah, they’re going to be a 17, eight by way of the expression number. But it also means that the soul urge has a lot more emphasis in this person’s life. In other words, the seven is kind of a quiet number, which means its personality is likely to be kind of quiet. So a person like that might be an actual genius at something, but because the eight is the expression, he may try to downplay that inventiveness and so on and so forth. It’s like a story I read just the other day about this guy and his wife who won over… Oh what was it? Something like $32 million in the Michigan State Lottery, and the way they did it was because this guy discovered a pattern in the lottery. He’s a mathematician.


Oh wow.


Yeah. They own a convenience store, but he went through several other jobs doing this, that, and the other, because there aren’t that many great jobs out there for a mathematician.




But that’s what his degree is in, and so on and so forth. Yeah. It’s like that. It’s like that’s the kind of thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be his numerology. But anyway…


Yeah. Absolutely. So we’ll also put some links to a couple of blogs that our listeners can read and go and have a look at which numbers are allocated to which letters as well so they can see that in front of them, because sometimes it’s a bit difficult to listen to and try and figure out when you’re listening to a podcast. But anyway, let’s move on. So I just want to talk about the name table that you’ve talked about in the past. So what is that?


Oh yeah. This is one of my favorite subjects. Well gosh, I say that so many times. I think everything is my favorite subject. But anyway, I like to call it the inclusion table. Some people call it that. Many people call it the karma table, most of the new age people, because they believe it’s something that’s carried over from previous lifetimes or something like that. But the inclusion table, I like to call it that because it has to do with how many of the nine numbers are included into your name. The way you make that is you make a grid of nine boxes, like a tic-tac-toe board, and they represent the top, the nine numbers. So across the top row, you write how many ones you have, how many twos you have, how many threes you have, and then you analyze that.

This inclusion table not only gives you a lot of information about the person’s life. For instance, I know a person who has basically one five in their inclusion table and a whole bunch of ones, and about three twos and so on and so forth, and this is a person who has no… How do I put it? Struggle to be personally free of traditions and stuff like that in their lives. They’re okay with everything that’s gone on before, or the cultural stuff that they do and so on and so forth. They’re okay with it all. It doesn’t bother them. But what that one, it causes a conflict, because there’s so many ones, there’s like the strong sense of self and self-importance that goes along with this. Anyway, explaining the table as a whole is something that we don’t have time for in this podcast, but we will do it in the future. But let’s just say that having explored thousands of these tables, I want to let you know that I don’t read someone’s chart without exploring this inclusion table, because it is so important for understanding the way that their name works. It’s like the amount of each of the nine numbers in the name.

Like for instance, in Elon’s chart, he has no letters with the value of seven, eight, or nine unless we count his middle name, which is Reeve, and then we get that R, which means one nine. But no sevens or eights. Now there’s so many people out there who think that no eights means a bad chart for money. Elon Musk is the fifth richest person in the world right now. He just passed Bill Gates, so I think he may have gone up a rank since he decided he was moving to Texas. But in other words, he’s not broke. He doesn’t have a bad chart for money. He had struggles when he was getting started. He and his brother used to sleep in the little office that they rented because he couldn’t afford an apartment. That was before he invented PayPal and so on, or the company that eventually became PayPal. But I don’t think that this idea that no eights means having a bad time with money makes any sense. In other words, I don’t think his prosperity consciousness is lacking. Even though there aren’t any eights there, even though he started with very little by today’s standards, he has all the passion and drive it takes to attract the billions needed to build a private space program. That’s amazing. And that’s his mindset and his attitude. He’s focused on what he does, not what he makes.

As a matter of fact, I was just reading an article about him the other day in the financial news about why he’s moving to Texas from California. He at once started selling off a bunch of his properties and so on out there, and he said, “I just don’t need them.” This is a something a person who had no eights in their chart would never do, and who had a bunch of eights in their chart would never do. He’s just like, “I don’t need them. It’s too much. It’s too much for me.” So he’s moving his family and part of his business to Texas. Why? Because there’s no capital gain stacks.


That’s smart.


Yeah. He’s using his mind, not his… How do I put it? Self-image to make his decisions, you know?




It also gives us a lot of hidden numbers in the name that have special significance in the life. And let’s move on, because like I said, we’ll discuss this table in future podcasts, okay?


Perfect. Now okay, you made me a promise to ask about the dynamic personal alphabet. Let’s talk about that.

Read more:  9 Amazing Reasons To Love Your Life Path 9 Bestie


Yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. I’m going to talk about that. Now each of the letters in the expression constitutes a personal alphabet, and we read it dynamically. In other words, we read it by way of time in that the number associated with the letter marks off a number of years that each letter is active. For instance, A runs for one year when its cycle comes. The R runs for nine years when its cycle is running. And each name has its own cycle. So we consider each of them separately, as in several columns or several rows in order to make sums of the letters in the name. In other words, if you have a person who has no middle name, you just use the first name, you make a column of that, and the last name, and then sum the number in the first name and the number in the last name.

Okay, let’s take a person like Alan Alda, famous actor. If we had A as the first letter of the first name, and A as the first letter of the second name, that would mean that for one year, his first year of life, that the two ones would run concurrently, meaning that his first year would have had a two as a special number, which is something we’re going to be discussing in depth when we get to it, but let’s go back to Elon’s chart. The first letter of his first name is E, which is five, which will run for five years. The first number of his last name is M, which is four, which will run for four years. So the secret identity, or what else do I call it? The moving balance number becomes E and U for the fifth year of his life, and L and U for the sixth year of life. You see, because the number is always changing in both of them. And they always change on the birthday. That’s another trick to it that another people don’t get, because there’s a whole lot of… Let’s just say I’m doing a whole podcast on the subject of this, okay? And maybe two, because there are a lot of letters in the alphabet, and I’m going to explain them all.




Every 19 years, the cycle, we count up his first name, we have 19 years. 19 is the sum of the number of digits. Of the letters, I’m sorry, values in the first name. So that means every 19 years, after 19 years have elapsed, then the cycle of the first name will begin again. I’m pretty sure I did this on him with the podcast. So it’s not just that we get these different cycles and patterns of numbers that flow from the personal years and the life path cycles and the pinnacles and so on and so forth. We get them from the name by using this method of understanding the alphabet and what these alphabet cycles are in the person’s name. That’s why I’m doing a whole podcast, and as I said before, maybe two, because it’s so important. While the life path, different cycles that are generated from the life path, while they have plenty of value, they describe what’s going on around the person. But these name cycles describe, once again, the doings of the person, what they do. In other words, this is what generates the actions that cause the feedback from the universe that we get with the life path cycles.

So it becomes a complete method of prediction, a feedback loop that’s very easy to do once you get the basic ideas. That’s why I’m breaking these up into different pieces, so that the basics, the basics, the basics. I hammer that into all my astrology students, for instance, because these books that are out there, all the good books are the kind of books they used to give closed door to cycles in ancient times. Writing a book was not easy, so they didn’t spend the time to write a book that nobody could understand properly unless they had the basics hammered in over years and years and years of verbal practice. And that’s the same thing with numerology. These kind of ideas seem complicated on the surfaced, but once the basics are well-known, then they become so easy and so simple to understand. You see?


Absolutely. Okay, so the expression is really something, it sounds like.




And actually, it makes me think that we talk about the life path number as being the most important number to know, but it sounds like the expression number is pretty important too.


Oh yeah.


So is there anything more you want to say in this podcast about the expression number?


Well like with what you said a minute ago about it being pretty important too, it’s like balance in nature. If you consider that everything in life is a matter of give and take, in other words you have to give something in order to get something. If you want to grow a garden, you’ve got to give up the sweat and the money to buy the tools, and even the money to own the property and so on and so forth in order to dig up the ground, which takes more sweat, and plant the seeds, which takes patience. In other words, all of these things are what you surrender in order to have that beautiful garden grow. It’s just as important to the garden as the seeds and the weather. So everything is in balance in nature like that. And like if you consider as being like the take and you as being the give, and that these roles are constantly interchanging between the two, the expression is just as important. And both of them are supremely important to understand. From the life path, we get our time cycle, so environmental change. And when I say environment, I mean everything that’s not you yourself. And from the expression, we get all our action, and the feedback for our action that the environment gives us, it all works together in yin and yang kind of harmony due to difference.

But anyway, having described the expression and gone into some depth about its power and meaning, you can see that explaining the many ways to explore the power and value of the name numbers. Now this post will give you an overview of the expression that can help you know some of the fine points of analysis that we will be discussing on a regular basis in posts like these and in celebrity profiles and other types of blog posts. So for now, just focus on the fact that expression is about choice and character, whereas the life path is about opportunity and risk. And get ready for a continuing series about the expression. I think I’ve got three of them already done, and that’s without the alphabet considered. Okay?


Oh wow, absolutely.


So yeah, all the information that I briefly introduced you to in this introduction to the expression number and a lot more.


Wow. Okay. Well I’m excited to listen to the next few podcasts, and listeners, make sure you subscribe to the podcast to make sure you get the podcast as soon as it comes out and as soon as it’s live. And I will also link the blog post that Roy is talking about in the show notes, so you can go there to check those out. Once again, Roy, thank you so much, and we’ll speak to you next time.


Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

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