The Page of Wands represents the initial stages of a project or relationship, or any new beginning in general. This symbolizes the Wands energy (hope, optimism, eagerness, enthusiasm, a love of expansion and battle) in its youngest and most playful forms. It can signify a child with these characteristics, or it may signify a new sense of hopefulness or creativity within the individual psyche. You may have a newfound sense of your own personal power, or be engaging in a course of study or practice which aims at greater self-expression or expansion of consciousness.
The time has come to learn just how much magic and potential lies within yourself, and the great power you have to shape your own life— fun, playful experimentation being one of the greatest ways to engage with this process. The Page of Wands is the spark of potential at the beginning of any undertaking, where one is able to daydream wildly, fantasize without practical concerns and enthusiastically inspire others about his goals without having to make guarantees or immediately deliver. It signifies a time of fascination or intrigue, self-development (particularly of a more spiritual or philosophical kind) and the beginnings of inspired creativity.
Astrological Association:
The Page of Wands is connected to Venus in conjunction with the Moon in Sagittarius, as the opening of new liberating opportunities.
Card meanings upright:
The Page of Wands card can indicate that you are young and eager to explore as you gain life experience. You may also have a creative idea that is in its initial stages.
Card meanings reversed:
When the Page of Wands card is reversed, it can represent a bully or a mean-tempered person in your life who is demanding attention and showing off. You may not feel particularly enthusiastic about some aspects of your life, and you may soon receive bad news or become involved in a bad project.