This week’s Angel Messages are focussed on the Divine Feminine. The divine feminine is very creative so we’ll be looking at the creative energy which is flowing through you.

Place one or both of your hands over your heart and invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3 to receive a message from their heart to yours. I’d LOVE to know how the messages speak to you and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!


  • Angel Message #1 – 1:18
  • Angel Message #2 – 3:14
  • Angel Message #3 – 6:09

Let me know if the comments whether your message resonated with you. Plus, make sure you subscribe to the Numerologist.com YouTube channel for notifications of new Angel Message videos every week!

Angel Message #1

The EmpressPin

The pink of this card is related to unconditional love. Part of the divine feminine which runs through you is your ability to love – your ability to love yourself, your ability to love others. What you manifest – everything that you are, everything that you create – has this vibration of love.

But how do you reveal that to the world?

Your heart is connected to everything around you. Sometimes you may find you’re very sensitive to the energy of others but you can simply connect with the love vibration to ground yourself. Remember, you are love. Make that your affirmation and it will support you.

Angel Message #2

5 of WandsPin

This can be about changes – going from the completion of the number for to the opening up of the number 6. There’s a big sense with this card of thinking about what your next step is. What do you need to manifest?

The feminine vibration of the universe is saying, “Call on me! Open up to me!” You’re being called upon to open up to the energy of the universe.

There’s a sense of waiting with this card and the message is that you just need to ask. You need to ask the universe for guidance and support. Focus on your third eye as it will help you with your vision as your move towards your new beginning.

Angel Message #3

The High Priestess Pin

The High Priestess is a very feminine energy but there’s also a sense of balance here with the black and white of this card. You’re being told to bring that feminine energy into your decisions so essentially you need to use your intuition!

Your intuition is being guided by your connection to Source. You have a wonderful ability to make your own decisions but sometimes it’s nice to ask for guidance and support. There’s a sense that intuition is going to be so important for you and you’re going to be opening up your intuitive genius which is going to help you in every aspect of your life.

your practical and intuitive side are coming together and creating a perfect balance – this is how you create and manifest.

Tell us below which message you chose – did it resonate with you?