This Personalized Angle Message Reading will help you understand what you need on a soul-level. What does your soul crave? Find out now!


Place one or both of your hands over your heart and invite your angels to guide you to either MESSAGE 1, 2, or 3 to receive a message from their heart to yours. I’d LOVE to know how the messages speak to you and please share and pass on the ANGEL’S LOVE to your friends by gifting them with a message too. Thank you!


  • Angel Message #1 – 2:54
  • Angel Message #2 – 7:48
  • Angel Message #3 – 11:58

Let me know if the comments whether your message resonated with you. Plus, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications of new Angel Message videos every week!


The Star Pin

This energy is all about understanding your purpose and understanding why certain things have happened to you in your life. Maybe you’re not as abundant or healthy as you’d like to be. This card is all about helping you to understand why that is.

You may be feeling vulnerable about the changes that you’re going through in your life. You need to understand that change and transformation happens to everyone and it can be scary, but you must trust in your Angels – they are saying that it’s ok to feel this way, and they urge you to keep going. Things are going to be ok but you need to open yourself up.

You need to connect to Spirit and open up your heart for support. Use your emotional energy to guide you to understand what your next step is. Open yourself to the vibration of love and understanding by incorporating the color magenta into your life.


Queen of Pentaclesaura soma oracle card - queen of pentaclePin

The violet energy here indicates balance but also signifies understanding. The vibration of understanding seen here is a deep understanding of yourself and what is at the core of your heart.

This card will help you understand all of the relationships in your life, and that doesn’t necessarily mean with a person. Your relationship with your job, money, health, wealth etc are all relationships that you’ll begin to understand.

You’re sitting in the energy of change. You’re opening up to more love and once you do that, you’ll open yourself up to more abundance, blessings and understanding of the truth of who you are. The other way to open yourself up to this change is to act like you already have the things you want in your life.

Rose Quartz crystals are going to help you to move to that next step. You can also call on Archangel Chamuel to help you at this time.


Djwal Khulaura soma oracle card - dwjal khulPin

The theme with this card is about the truth. There’s a sense of clarity and for you, the green vibration signifies a deeper understanding. There’s a wind that’s coming through your life and it will blow old energy out and bring in the new. Blessings and opportunities are coming your way and you have the chance to choose what you want.

There is very much a sense of understanding that you are Spirit in physical form. So, for you, it is important that you notice all of the angels in physical form. Notice the people who are supporting you, they are your Angels!

Your heart is awakening and there’s lots of cleansing for you as you begin to understand your purpose in life.