Welcome to your New Moon and second half of May Abundance Forecast!

What a stunning numerology code unfolds during the New Moon on May 18th! This is a Taurus New Moon and Taurus traditionally governs our values, beauty and finances – what we most value in life, including how we value of money and our attitude towards wealth.

PinWith an equally stunning abundance and manifestation code in place, this is a New Moon to remember:

  • May is a 13 Universal Month. 13 adds up to the number 4 which allows us to manifest our creations into physical form.
  • This New Moon occurs on a 22/4 Universal Date – the Master Number of Peace, Balance and Manifestation.
  • The Sun and Moon are at 26 degrees. 26 adds up to 8 governing lasting wealth, eternal life and leadership.
  • Mercury Retrograde begins at 13 degrees in Gemini (its home sign) for incredible insights on HOW you can Manifest your Abundance ideas!

That and so much more is covered in your special May New Moon Abundance Forecast!

Including how Venus adds a dash of luxury and beauty to the mix!

And how Neptune weaves exquisite colors of light through your life for a deep spiritual awakening…

May you enjoy the beautiful blessings of this New Moon!

With Love and Light,
