Are you holding yourself from truly learning from an experience because you won’t have the experience itself? Everyone has something in their lives they don’t want to ‘deal’ with. With this Akashic Clearing, you can deal with things that you have been avoiding through the energy of integration
We all have areas in life where we excel and things are easy. Then there are other areas where it’s a struggle. This could be a relationship, an area of business, creating something new, etc. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you are resisting something because you do not want to deal with it and it is important for your Soul growth, it isn’t going away!
We tend to avoid these difficult experiences, but they are just there to work through, experience and learn from.
Stop Resisting!
Trust me, if you are resisting something because you do not want to deal with it, what you resist (put off, refuse to look at, complain about) will persist until you address it or it literally blows up in your face.
Believe me, I’ve been there and it is not fun!
Akashic Clearing and The Energy of Integration
The grid and Akashic clearing you will receive in this video bring you the power of being responsible for your own actions…to really feel the emotions and give it a voice so you can take care of the situation, so it can no longer hold you back, keeping you a prisoner of this situation.
***Akashic Clearing: A high level energetic healing session where I work in the Akashic Records of the group of those who listen. Working with my Healing Guides to clear any energy blocks you are ready to release from your body, mind and energy fields, freeing you to be happy, healthy and successful.***
Let me know in the comments below whether you found this Akashic Clearing useful and I’d love to know what area of your life you’ll be applying this to.