This September, you are invited to let go of the struggle to control outcomes in your life. We expend so much energy trying to get things right, be perfect, and sometimes even to control other people’s opinions and beliefs. You are invited to let go of trying to control the things you have no control over. It can feel scary at first to admit that there are things in this universe you can’t control, but it’s also immensely freeing.

Your guides want you to know that you are safe, even in the midst of a world that appears to be spiraling out of control. You are safe on this planet, and you’re safe in your body. You’re safe being you.

This month also brings you the opportunity to slow down, to know that your dreams and goals are manifesting perfectly, one step at a time. Give yourself permission to slow down, and enjoy where you are in your life today. Enjoy each step of the journey as you continue to evolve.

This is also a month for going within for answers, and observing your thoughts without believing them. The mind is a storyteller, telling scary stories in an attempt to protect us. The mind figures that we can only prepare for disasters by thinking about them, and that’s one of the challenges of the human mind. Most of the stories your mind tells you aren’t true — especially the stories about bad things happening. Your challenge is to hear the mind’s stories and tell yourself new stories that make you feel good. You can do this. I have faith in you!

There is also a part of you within that is always connected to a feeling of peace. This part of you is connected to Divinity, because you are the Divine! Taking time to go within — especially when the mind is in the middle of telling you a scary story about your future — is incredibly healing. Inside, you know you’re safe, and you have access to what your soul desires to do next.

Sending you love and blessings this September!

With Love,

Jessica McKay