In all the years I’ve been giving intuitive readings, I’ve learned that every one of us is afraid.

We’re afraid of all kinds of things: rejection, criticism, and not having enough. Yet mostly, we’re afraid of the unknown.

This fear accounts for most of our anxiety.

We each want to know that our future holds safety, security, and fulfillment, yet feel anxious that this we’re not able to control it. Most symptoms of stress and anxiety stem from either this lack of control OR from us trying to control our lives too much.

At its worst, this anxiety may escalate into panic attacks, anxiety disorders or depression. Though for most people, their different fears, and feelings of anxiety manifest a kind of vibrational cloud, that exists under the surface of everyday life.

Many of us have strategies to push this stress and anxiety away, reducing it temporarily, without ever truly overcoming it. Yet there’s an easier way to release it.


I’ve put together a list of 3 actions that can rapidly transform feelings of stress and anxiety into a sense of peace and calm

First, rather than ignoring your anxious feelings or trying to distract yourself from them, make a list of your worries. Here’s a little example list:

  • I’m worried about my dad’s health.
  • I’m worried about my marriage deteriorating.
  • I’m scared of not being able to pay my bills this month.
  • For each item on your list, you’ll do these 3 things:

Action 1 – Surrender

Close your eyes and bring the first issue to your attention without analyzing it, and without letting your mind try to come up with a solution.

Just bring the situation to your attention and take a long deep breath.

If you knew how to solve the problem, your vigilant mind would have done it already. Surrendering is like being in a little boat, and letting go of the oars, allowing the current to direct you.

Surrender doesn’t mean that you are quitting or giving up.

It just means that you are acknowledging that right now, the situation you are worried about is the way it is. To surrender is to stop resisting the present moment. Surrender also acknowledges that you have no control over certain things. It can be scary, but freeing at the same time.

As you breathe, you’ll notice a moment where your energy shifts from resistance to acceptance.

And when I say “acceptance,” I don’t mean that all of a sudden you ‘like’ the situation, or you no longer care. Acceptance honors the truth in the present moment. It helps to state aloud or in your mind what the truth is right now. If could be: “Right now, this is the truth: I don’t like my job.” Or, “My son is angry with me right now.” State the truth of the situation to yourself and watch for the shift in your energy. It’s a very subtle emotional release, and feels like letting go.

You might find your shoulders relax, your muscles release, and your breathing start to deepen. OR, you might tighten up again and panic.

That’s okay.

Stay with it.

There are so many things we don’t have control over. By letting go of the illusion that you have control, you’re free.


Action 2 – Give the Situation to your Angels

If you can surrender by accepting this moment as it is, the next step is to give the situation to your Angels, and allow them to take it off your hands.

Ask them to take the emotional heaviness, anxiety and fear, and the sense of overwhelming responsibility you might be feeling to fix whatever is bothering you.

Your Angels and Spirit Guides have an endless capacity to carry these burdens, and really, it is no burden for them.

Angels are also absolute experts in coming up with solutions. 

Visualize your Angels taking away the problem, and imagine them bringing it back to you at a later time, restored and healed. You might even visualize yourself holding up your hands and giving the situation to them!

You can ask your Guardian Angels, any one of the Archangels, or your Spirit Guides to help. The only difference between these beings is in their energy and vibration.

The four main Archangels are:

  • Archangel Michael
  • Archangel Gabriel
  • Archangel Raphael
  • Archangel  Uriel

Whatever feels best to you and resonates with you the most is perfect. You could also skip the Angelic help and go straight to Source. You can ask for help and healing from Life, Love, The Universe, or very simply, Spirit.

Feel the relief and relaxation that comes from knowing that you have an entire team and/or creative intelligence working on your concern joyously!

** At this point, don’t start asking for guidance. Remember – you’re not asking for a way to solve this problem right now. This is about handing over your stress and anxiety.

Trust that your Angels and guides are coming up with a solution that is more creative and profound than anything your overtaxed mind could dream of! Have faith that an answer is coming shortly. It could come in many different ways. The situation might shift in a positive way, your attitude about it may shift, or you might have a dream or an inspired idea. Whatever happens, know that you’ve been heard and are being taken care of and supported.


Action 3 – Give Again! But to Yourself

I want you to give yourself a gift.

Time alone, a mental health day from work, even an ice cream cone! Whatever makes you feel nourished. So often, we see to other people’s needs before our own, believing we’re selfish if we do something for ourselves.

If you struggle with feeling worthy of a gift, imagine you’re giving a gift to your own child.

It’s so important to give yourself unconditional love in this way.

Are You Tending to Your Inner Child?

There is a little child part inside you, who tries so hard to solve adult problems, and then feels frightened because she doesn’t know how. Give her a gesture of your love. It could be something she likes — comfort food, or a day at the beach. A small gesture of self-care and love. It can be very simple and doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or take up a lot of time.

For most people, their little child part is not accustomed to being heard or paid attention to. Yet you’ll find that if you ask her what she wants, she’ll speak right up!

This is an important step, because the one who is worrying about the issues in your life, is the child part. She’s scared, and she needs an adult to step in and help.

RELATED POST: 9 Powerful, Magical Steps that Will Connect You to Your Inner Child 

Freedom from Guilt

One of the most important gifts you can give yourself is permission to be free of guilt. 

Your Angels and Guides know that nothing is your fault. Even those “bad decisions” you think you’ve made, were made because that was the best you could do in the moment, based on everything that happened before the decision.

If your 4-year old daughter made a mistake, would you scream at her, tell her she’s stupid, and punish her over and over and over again? Yet that’s what we usually do to ourselves!

Your Angels and Guides want you to let go. Your Angels want you to completely, totally, let yourself off the hook.

Give yourself permission to do what you need, to love who you love, and to release what doesn’t serve you.

Here’s a final message I’m getting from the Angels for you:

“You sometimes pretend to be lost and confused, but we know you. Deep within, you are not lost. You live in drama and pain, not remembering that you’re safe, and you’re home. You’re watching a scary movie and having a bad dream. When you awaken, you’ll see you never left Heaven. Be kind to yourself. We love you, and are standing by to help.”

Nows it’s your turn to share with us! What do you want to release? Let us know in the comments…

Need more guidance? Well, you’re in luck! Archangel Michael is waiting to guide you on a divine journey to prosperity!

Click here to commence this deeply-healing experience