Do you ever feel like you might have psychic abilities?

This may surprise you, but to a certain degree, everyone is psychic! This doesn’t however mean that everyone you know is prancing around at night summoning spirits, or constantly reading your mind and discovering your deepest secrets!

Although many people associate the word ‘psychic’ as being something weird, dark or scary, (largely thanks to Hollywood movies) the reality is that psychic gifts are natural tools that humans have developed to survive.

Call it what you want: instinct, premonition, intuition or a sixth sense, to some extent we all have these powers. Psychic abilities are essential tools for survival that everyone possesses, and that some people are just naturally more aware than others. Through genetics, upbringing and life circumstances, there are people have developed strong psychic abilities. But what most people have forgotten at this point, is that anyone can hone, strengthen and develop their psychic abilities further.

So the real question is not whether you have psychic abilities or not, but rather, how your psychic abilities work.

Everyone’s psychic senses work a bit differently, but here is a visual look into the main ways psychic abilities manifest.

What’s your strongest psychic sense?


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