Card 1: Knight of Cups & Page of Cups
There may be an announcement coming for you, particularly about a new beginning from a Water Sign. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open because there is something somebody wants to say, but it might be too emotional for them.
Card 2: 10 of Wands (+ 3 More)
This is an intense sense of responsibility – We often distract ourselves with responsibility but it’s really just the blocking the way you feel about your lack mindset because you’re in an environment that tears down your power.
Card 3: 10 of Swords & Page of Swords (+2 More)
There’s some inner turmoil in your life right now but it stems back to a young air sign who is currently in your life or who has been in your life in the past. But you have an opportunity now to create a new partnership – it’s time to clear your worries and move on.