Card 1: 10 Of Wands
You’re juggling everything but you do have a little bit of support from feminine energy. At the end of the day, you have put these responsibilities on your own shoulders but realistically, they are a distraction. So, it’s important to figure out what the root is so you can move forward.
It’s so easy to focus on other things but give yourself a moment and figure out what’s beneath the surface.
Card 2: 6 of Cups, 7 of Wands (+ 3 More)
There is an apology that is blocking the energy within home and family. So, either you need to receive one or you need to give one. The 7 of Wands is all about fighting for a foundation that isn’t even stable anymore – there’s a fight or flight response. Is it worth it?
Card 3: Judgement (Face Down)
What better time to have some judgement when you’re spending time around family and friends?! It’s time to look at the judgement that your family places on you and use it as an opportunity to cleanse yourself.