*Cleanse your space!*
Card 1: 10 of Cups
Everything at home is going great! This is a focus on the family that you created. Your friendships, your tribe, the family that you gave birth to. This week is a week to honour those relationships. We are focusing more on energy instead of the blood line. Our spiritual family needs to be identified–the ones that make you feel good, seen, and accepted. Then honour these connections because when they express their love to us we are able to take that energy, magnify it and manifest from that place of love and acceptance.
Card 2: King of Cups –blocked by Ace of Wands and 3 of Pentacles
Your relationship to a masculine water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is being blocked by a plan that you want to make for a new beginning. There is a block because the King of Cups is threatened by your spirit creating something new. This King of Cups likes consistency and they have staying power. The water energy wants to keep moving, but it does not initiate these new beginnings. Therefore; the plans you are making to start something new is creating conflict with the King of Cups. Decide if this new beginning involves them or not.
Card 3: 5 of Wands, The Sun, The 5 of Swords
This week there is a fight for freedom. The conflict with others is just because they are impeding on your sense of freedom. This other person is putting up restrictions and this is triggering you. Recognize that there is something beautiful and positive to be found in this conflict. The silver lining is that you were never really able to trust them. Find the source of the lack of trust. Go into your memory database to find the source of this pattern. This recurring pattern is giving you the opportunity this week to find it and then clear it.