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Card 1
Page of Cups, Queen of Wands
There is a focus on two people here. First we have a young water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces). By young this means your age or younger, but this person does have a level of immaturity to them. Next we have a feminine fire sign (Leo, Aeries, or Sagittarius). When these people come up this week, focus on everything that they are saying and doing, because there are going to be messages within.
The water sign is someone who is incredibly intuitive and very very deep. Often when they speak there is a deeper message, and it is up to you to decode these messages. Focus especially on what this water sign is saying this week. The fire sign is more so about the action that they put forth, and this is where you will receive their messages. They may be speaking, but focus more on what they are doing. This week you really want to be looking at these two relationships, what they are doing and saying, and then deciphering it. You will need to dig deeper, because this is not surface level with these two people, something deeper needs to be analyzed.
Card 2
6 of Cups, Knight of Swords, 4 of Swords, Judgement Card
When it comes to an apology or lack of an apology from the past where you felt that you needed to pull yourself away from a situation, you are receiving a lot of judgement. Someone in your family is requiring an apology from you, and they are not expressing their needs. This situation is so far in the past that you do not even know that they require the apology. Maybe you have already apologized but they have not truly forgiven you.
Whatever it is, this is going to require energetic work. Here you are pulling back, staying away from this person, essentially ‘staying in your own lane’, and of course, you are receiving judgment for this as well because it will just never be enough. They are so reliant on misunderstanding and not forgiving you that it doesn’t matter how many times or ways that you apologize. You will need to go behind the scenes and energetically apologize to them because on the surface they just will not accept the apology. The conflict from the past is too much for them, and you pulling back is only creating more damage.
Card 3
7 of Cups
The 7 of cups is about emotional confusion. You are feeling like you are being left in the dark when it comes to a decision that needs to be made. The clarifier card to this is the 8 of Wands, representing hasty decision-making and fast movement. A decision will come up for you this week that you will need to be very quick to make, but because you are so emotionally confused it will feel really difficult to do this.
Take a couple of deep breaths and actively ask for a sign before you make this decision. Once you ask for a sign, wait for the message. When we ask the universe for a sign, we can’t just go inward, we must be looking around us for the answer. You may receive your answer through a message on the radio, something you see as you are driving, or really anything at all. Sometimes they are blatantly obvious and you will know right away what your answer is. Look for the signs, and then make your decision!