Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.
Which number are you drawn to this week?
17 or 77?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?
Post the number you picked in the comments below.
Messages for #17 Enlightenment
Are you ready for something big?
If you picked #17 it means that you’re ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level. Your manifesting abilities are on fire and your spiritual gifts are not only opening but exploding!
Step into your power fully as an enlightened being and continue to spread joy, love and peace simply by being the amazing person you are.
If you are not feeling the love here then hold on because things are about to change in your life in a monumental way. You are being invited to step it up and SHINE. You are needed right now so there’s no more playing it safe. Get out there and take the leap. Greatness awaits. (And you’ll never know if you don’t at least try.)
When we are this powerful with creating it’s critical to guard your thoughts because you easily manifest what you don’t want as quickly as what you do. So despite your circumstance or situation stay positive and focus on the outcome not where you’re currently at.
#17 also brings with it good fortune so be sure to count your blessings every day to ensure more good things come your way.
Taking a closer look at our numbers we find…
1 – Make a Wish / Motivation
7 – On the Right Path / Persistant
1+7=8 – Abundance / Infinity
17 – You are on the path not only of awakening but moving into the deepest state that which we call enlightenment where all suffering ends.
Love & Relationships
In terms of love, #17 is a sign of luck in terms of love and romance. It means you are able to achieve the success you desire in your relationships but most importantly that life partner. So whether you’re in a relationship or single get ready to take things to the next level.
I am ready for the next step on my spiritual path.
Messages for #77 Divinity
Are you feeling lost and disconnected?
This often happens when you are missing an important cornerstone in your life and that is one of faith. So whether you believe in a higher power, God, Divine Source Energy or a Creator if you keep seeing #77 everywhere you look you are invited to make time daily to connect with Spirit.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. When you embrace this truth it changes everything.
A strong connection with God not only improves your relationship with yourself but also improves the quality of your life. It gives meaning and purpose to all that you are and all that you do.
Some ways you can feel more connected to your faith is through prayer, yoga, meditation or simply by being present in your life and in your relationships. If #77 is showing up for you today it could be a warning that you are multitasking too much and it’s time to slow down and show up.
When you practice presence it actually expands time instead of shrinking it. So every time you spend a minute being present you gain a minute on your life. Think of it as putting money into your “time” bank. We all have 24 hours in a day. I’ve noticed when I become aware of how the stories in my mind contribute to my busy-ness (I have so much to do today I’ll never get it all done) and that I can rewrite that story (I may have a lot to do but I know I will have plenty of time to get done what needs to be done) I have more control over the energy I put into everything.
The #77 is also a sign that you are on the right path… the path to peace and serenity. With your persistance and peaceful attitude you can change the things in your life that are not working and create a better way and a better life for yourself and your family.
If #77 has
If we dial back the numbers we find…
7 – On the Right Path / Persistant
7 – On the Right Path / Persistant DOUBLED!
7+7=14; 1+4=5 – Change / Hope
#77 – Become more spiritually attuned to God’s presence in your life.
Love & Relationships
If #77 has rolled into your life in terms of love your heart is in the right place and you have an open hearted approach and love unconditionally. This is beautiful because many are attracted to your heart energy. They feel safe and loved in your presence like they are the only one in your life. They feel “seen.” In your relationship love is your superpower.
If you are single it’s important to work on this attribute. You are naturally inclined to be this way but bad choices and bad relationships have tainted your view on life so you tend to lock up your heart not giving or receiving easily. This is an area you need to work on if you ever desire to find that life partner again. It’s pretty tough to attract love when you have stop signs at every corner and no one can get close enough to you to have a shared experience.
It’s time to heal this heartbreak and step back into the open-hearted love Goddess (God) that you are!
I am in the Divine. The Divine is in me. We are one.
Which number resonated with you this week?
Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.
Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.
If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channels. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!
I hope you enjoyed our Numerology Message today. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
May you find peace in knowing that God and the Angels are with you as you continue into the next phase of your spiritual journey. Many exciting things await you.
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle