This week’s theme is Release & Mindset.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

91 or 111?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?

Post the number you picked in the comments below.

Messages for #91 Release


Is there something in your life you’re having a hard time letting go?

The Buddha says the root of all suffering is attachment. As you let go of your idea of how your life should look right now and embrace where you’re at things will slowly begin to shift and heal. It’s not about giving up on your dreams but finding a way to be happy now despite the circumstances or condition of your life.

Also, when you’re too attached to a certain outcome that attachment can sometimes end up pushing it away or blocking it. Impatience tends to create roadblocks. Surrender your request and trust that it’s coming.

This might also be a sign that it’s time to do some decluttering. Do you have too much stuff? As you think of the holidays try to move things out as you bring new things in. A beautiful rotation if you will. This technique helps you eliminate too much stuff syndrome which borderlines hoarding.

If you’re life is overflowing with stuff God won’t have any space to deliver what you’ve been asking for.

So do a life review and take inventory of what you have and what you can let go of to create more balance and free up some space to make room for what you’re trying to manifest.

Taking a closer look at our numbers we find…

9 – Serve / Endings
1 –  Make a Wish / Motivation
9+1=10 – New Beginnings; 1+0=1 – Make a Wish /Motivation DOUBLED!

91 – Time to release and reset… Sweet Surrender!

Love & Relationships

In terms of love, #91 is an indication that you are getting ready for a big change in your relationship whether you’re single or with someone. A beautiful transition into something even better is happening soon. Step out of your comfort zone and do something to improve your current situation. Complaining about what you have only keeps you on the hamster wheel and no significant change will ever come about from being negative. Fine one thing you can do or say today to evoke a new reaction or new response to set you on a new course or path toward a brighter romantic future.


As I release the old, I make room for new, exciting possibilities to come into my life.

Messages for #111 Mindset


Could you use an attitude overhaul? Maybe you’re feeling paranoid or fearful or even just plain depressed?

If #111 has danced into your life today your angels want you to know that there is hope but it begins with your mindset.

I know I say this a lot but… what you think about you bring about. This is a gentle reminder from your team that you’ve fallen down that rabbit hole of seeing the glass half empty all the time. Certainly the state of our world right now isn’t great but when we speak in terms of everything that’s going wrong it just perpetuates that energy of everything going wrong.

Be steadfast and alert of your thoughts and how easily you are sucked in by others who are negative. You’re encouraged to be the light and to help lift others up out of their negative train of thinking. Be armed and ready to shift that conversation when you see it’s headed into the abyss of negativity. Or gracefully make an exit, suddenly having to use the restroom is always my favorite go to when I try to steer a conversation with no luck.

Everytime you see #111 there’s an energetic gateway that opens in the sky that rapidly manifests your thoughts and desires into reality. It’s like an extra BOOST or UMPH to push it through and make it happen for you. But it also has the opposite effect when you’re thinking about the worst that could happen, being fearful and parnoid.

Think of #111 as a shock collar to help you stand guard of your thoughts and bring yourself back into alignment with the highest and best version of you.

If we dial back the numbers we find…

1 – Make a Wish / Success
1 – Make a Wish / Success DOUBLED!
1 – Make a Wish / Success TRIPLED!

1+1+1=3 – Ascended Masters are supporting you / Creativity

#111 – That manifesting portal has opened up and your thoughts are rapidly creating your reality.

Love & Relationships

If #111 rolled into your life it’s a lucky sign that something wonderful is going to happen in your current relationship or meeting someone new. The tides are turning and joy and happiness really can be yours. You are a magnet for love so envision the best possible outcome and the Universe will do their best to make that happen for you.

Also be aware of any feelings of jealousy or anger toward your partner. Is this a projection of something else going on in your life? Are you being paranoid or fearful? This isn’t about them it’s really about you. Fix and heal your own pain so that you can fully show up for yourself and your relationship.


I have the power to change my reality by focusing on positive thoughts.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channels. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!

I hope you enjoyed our Numerology Message today. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you find freedom in surrendering and letting go of attachments and joy in a positive, healthy mindset.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle