Card 1
The Ace of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, Five of Swords, Five of Cups, Queen of Pentacles
Conflict pops which includes four other people. These have to do with people who are not really for you; a frenemy. Once you let go, a new beginning will appear, and you will see everything fall into place. Family structure is so important for you but this will only happen if you do not get sucked into the conflicts, break that generational curse.
Card 2
The Queen of Swords, Ten of Swords, Nine of Cups
This week The Queen of Swords comes out, which means feminine energy. Your thought surrounding this person makes you feel pinned down but it also is making you feel emotionally good.
Card 3
3 of Wands, 5 of Pentacles, Justice, Hermit, Ten of Wands
This tells me in a past life you took some vow of poverty. This week, it’s all karmically balanced; you will be clearing a lot of vows, which you need to release. This week is another fun week, lots of releasing and exciting things will happen if you don’t get sucked into conflict!
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