This week’s theme is Perspective & Idealistic.
Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.
Which number are you drawn to this week?
86 or 98?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?
Post the number you picked in the comments below.
Messages for #86 Perspective
Are you consumed by worry?
Is your mind like a runaway train?
If you’ve been seeing #86 everywhere it’s definitely a sign that you need a perspective reboot! You are overthinking everything and your mind has become like a runaway train which doesn’t help anyone. It actually just creates more problems than solutions.
Your A-team wants you to get that train back on track before you do more damage than already’s been done. Worry is not a solution it only robs you of your peace of mind and creates more angst and disorder in your life.
There is a Divine plan unfolding in your life so reflect on what’s not working, stop worrying and stay calm and trust that…
If God brought you to it, He will see you through it.
If we draw back the curtain and take a closer look at the energy of this number we find…
8 – Prosperity / Strength
6 – Harmony / Commitment to Family
8+6=14; 1+4=5 – Change / Transformation
86 – It’s time for a PERSPECTIVE REBOOT that will bring a beautiful transformation into your life!
Love & Relationships
In terms of love, don’t be afraid to express your love right now. Your partner needs to hear those words. Shower everyone around you with affection and attention but most importantly SAY IT. I love you. If you are looking for romance this is the time to BE BOLD, make the first move and go the extra mile. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to take action. It’s your life and it’s up to you to create more love in it.
My perspective defines my course: good things are coming to me now.
Messages for #98 Idealistic
What do dreamers and daredevils have in common? They aren’t afraid of going for it!
If #98 has danced into your life today it’s important to pat yourself on the back your A-team (angelic team) wants to acknowledge the dreams in your heart and your fortitude in moving forward despite any setbacks.
Dreamers get a bad rap but they help the world stay balanced. But just like everyone else it’s important to be consistent and intentional with your actions.
Dreams without action or simply unfulfilled wishes.
Here are 3 tips to help you stay true to yourself:
1. Be aware of the sacrifice you need to make in order to stay connected to your heart and follow your passion.
- Never ever give up. Your belief in your dreams is the fairy dust that will turn them into reality.
- Dream BIG. Playing small hurts us all. If you’re going to dream go all in and know that God will give you that extra boost that ensures you receive what you’ve been praying for and soooo much more!
If we dial back the numbers we find…
9 – Service / Completion
8 – Prosperity / Strength
9+8=17; 1+7=8 – Prosperity / Strength DOUBLED!
98 – Being idealistic is a good thing! Just stay focused and take action as needed.
Love & Relationships
If #98 rolled into your life regarding love it’s a sign of hope, promise and encouragement. Just like the long, cold winter when that first flower blossoms and all things gray and dusty become green again and filled with life. That’s how your relationship is so whether you have a partner or are looking for love there is hope on the horizon and the promise of something you can’t see yet.
Also, actions speak louder than words.
Whatever you’re thinking about or something that keeps crossing your mind… just dive in and do it! You won’t be sorry.
I believe in myself and the power of my dreams.
Which number resonated with you this week?
Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.
Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.
If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channel. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!
I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
May your perspective be clear and focused and your dreams filled with promise and hope!
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle