The Akashic Realm holds the collective Records for all humanity. These Messengers from the Realm support humanity in the transition into 5th dimension consciousness. 

The Messengers Bringing The Forecast For The Week Are:

Messenger #26. LIANA

The Guardian Of Water

Liana is the beautiful guardian who manages the flow of water and the source of life through parallel universes. Her magical touch contains strength and agility to bring flow to people’s lives.

Message: Life is meant to flow. If you are experiencing struggle or difficulty it is time to call on Liana.

Releasing resistance to what is and your attachment to what you want will invite flow back into your life.

Messenger #28. ELENITHA

The Guardian Of Prosperity

Elenitha, with the power to transform coal into diamonds, facilitates turning dreams into reality.

Message: Prosperity and wealth is already within you. The power to bring your dreams into the physical world is linked to the depth of your vibrational frequency and belief that it is possible.

New projects and their completion can be accelerated if you consistently hold the frequency of how you will feel when they are complete.

Messenger #8. AMENZICK

Teacher Of The Path Of Love

Amenzick teaches the expansion of love that connects the soul to the highest calling of being.

Message: Love is your connecting power. It connects you to your Higher Self, to your Soul and to all other beings. Let love guide your way to health, abundance and opportunity.

Come see what I have just for my Numerology Readers…that’s you…at this special page!