This week’s theme is Divine Intentions & Compassion.
Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.
Which number are you drawn to this week?
97 or 99?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today?
Post the number you picked in the comments below.
Messages for #97 – Divine Interventions
Are your intentions coming from the heart or from your head?
If you’ve been seeing #97 everywhere it’s definitely a sign that it’s time to tune into that inner voice. You are not going crazy. Your spiritual team has been guiding you but that ego or human self keeps batting it down or ignoring it.
You came into this life to be a beacon for the world. Stop shoulding on yourself. I should do this or I shouldn’t do that, etc. Trust that there is more and you deserve to have more in your life.
You are in touch with your truth in this situation and it’s time to live an authentic life, not a life you stepped into to please someone else. Use your gifts and your interests to discover what it is you truly want on a soul level.
It’s time and you are ready.
If we draw back the curtain and take a closer look at the energy of this number we find…
9 – Service / Life Purpose
7 – On the Right Path / Inner Strength
9+7= 16; 1+6=7 – On the Right Path / Inner Strength DOUBLED!
97 – You are being guided to live an extraordinary life!
Love & Relationships
In terms of love, the angels know your relationship is not perfect. It doesn’t need to be in order for you to be happy. It may be time to bite your tongue or lower your pride to restore peace in this situation. You may be right but pick your battles… it may be time to take one for the team.
If you are single this may be a sign that you have unrealistic expectations that are sabotaging a romantic partner from entering your life. I am seeing this as a form of unconscious self-sabotage. You’re stuck in an old paradigm and it’s hurting you in your romantic life. Open your mind and your heart and focus on LOVE. When you do that the doors will begin to open and you might be surprised.
I open my heart to receive Divine Intentions for my life.
Messages for #99 – Compassion
Are you quick to judge?
If #99 has danced into your life today it’s important to be aware of how you are judging yourself and others. Every time that little thought in your head criticizes something you did or something someone else said “catch” yourself, observe yourself judging and being judgmental.
You can’t change what you are clueless about.
Trust me once you start becoming aware of that inner critic you’ll be shocked at how often that voice is running in your head. Running down you and those around you quite innocently, after all, it’s not like you’re saying those things out loud!
But it doesn’t matter if it’s silently in your head or spoken out loud. Energy is energy and energy doesn’t know the difference between what’s actually happening and what’s imagined.
Yup! Our thought are that powerful.
Kindness Matters.
Begin with yourself. Be gentle and kind with yourself and you are more likely to find yourself surrounded by gentle and kind people.
Open your heart and make a pledge, a commitment to begin seeing things through the eyes of love. Sometimes I play a game… “What would Jesus do?” If someone said or did that to Jesus how would he respond?
Typically there would be no response only love.
There would be no hurt, only love.
There would be no retaliation, only love.
That’s how I find my way back to love in difficult situations because when you are fully enlightened you become one with the love that you are and all else dissolves into the abyss of nothingness.
When it no longer matters, it’s no longer matter.
When we can feel another person’s pain it actually raises our vibration because we are aligning with the Divine.
Don’t be afraid to open your heart to compassion and become the other. When you do this you are one step closer to healing yourself and humanity.
If we dial back the numbers we find…
9 – Service / Conclusion
9 – Service / Conclusion doubled
9+9=18; 1+8=9 – Service / Conclusions tripled!
Remember last week we had #999, crazy how we have #99 for this week!
99 – Compassion is key Lightworker!
Love & Relationships
If #999 rolled into your life regarding love it’s about stepping into Universal love or humanitarianism. It’s the love that Gaia has for all of her inhabitants. It’s the love that God has for all of his creation. When we embrace Universal love we step out of the “me” and into the “we” of life. Experiencing oneness with all that is. In that space, we are healed and whole.
I am compassionate towards others and attract the same in return.
Which number resonated with you this week?
Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.
Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.
If this number resonates with you be sure to hit that “LIKE” button over on our Youtube and Facebook channel. It helps our message to get out to more people like you!
I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
May you live life with the intentions of your heart and be as compassionate with yourself as you are with others.
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle