Card 1: The World, 4 of Pentacles
Realizing that you have everything together; you are starting 2021 with a lot of ambition. You are also realizing that this year is for yourself. It’s time to Focus on your finances, doing what you can just to feel secure. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is what you should have done in 2020.
Looking back, you see how your foundation crumbled but coming into 2021 you won’t make those same mistakes. You may not make those same mistakes mentally, but the Universe will test you to see how secure you are. Expect those changes, that chaos that everyone is going to feel this year.
Card 2: 9 of swords
2021 has come in and you are not feeling optimistic as you would have liked. Coming into 2021, things may be still looming, like celebrating with family or friends, especially with the pandemic – all we can do is focus on the changes within ourselves and our security within ourselves. You know what at the end of the day – just go to sleep. Escape from reality for the week.
Pull yourself out of things and let your spirit rest. It’s the safe way to do it. Do what you can to just detach from the density of the planet. Try some astral traveling, hypnosis, guided meditation. This will help you feel rejuvenated, and a sense of peace and calm.
Card 3: Tower Card, King of Pentacles
This is what we were talking about earlier, sudden changes chaos; you’re feeling smoked out because you didn’t initiate the changes before. This all has to do with a masculine earth sign such as Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus male energy. You have to just embrace it. When it comes to the earth signs, they don’t deal with changing energy especially when it comes to the 5 energy of chaos and changes. All earth signs are going to be feeling uncomfortable, especially Taurus energy. So give them some compassion because they can’t handle it well. What they will do is try to manifest changes within their lives and they will end up being really sloppy.
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