To check out this week’s video head over to our Facebook page! To read your Numerology Message for this week read on…
This week’s theme is Financial Serenity & Emerging.
Welcome to our Numerology Message.
Which number are you drawn to today?
33 or 46?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the # you picked in the comments below and also what part of the message really hit home for you?
Messages for #33 Communication
Do you have trouble speaking up?
If you chose #33 it’s a sign from the angels that it’s time to express yourself. Maybe you’ve been afraid of judgment, ridicule or you just have been trying to avoid drama. You are a bit of a peacemaker like that but if this number has appeared for you today it’s a sure sign that it’s time to clear the air and stop biting your tongue.
When you do this there is a beautiful energetic release that occurs allowing that throat chakra to open and your voice to be heard.
Things you can do to open up that 5th throat chakra include writing, listening, playing or creating music, dancing, singing, acting, art, poetry, etc. The list is endless. Anything that requires creative action is a two-thumbs up.
It’s important to express yourself as a highly sensitive person we tend to want to blend in with the wall and not draw too much attention to ourselves. But there is much on your mind and self-expression helps you to be and express who you truly are.
When we break down our numbers we get…
3 – Ascended Masters / Discipline
3 – Ascended Masters / Discipline DOUBLED
3+3=6 – Harmony / Responsibility
33 – Honest communication is key.
Love & Relationships
In terms of love, this number is a sign that people are attracted to you because of your trustworthy nature. This is a time of growth in your love life and it’s important that there is a happy balance between giving and receiving in your relationship lest you (or the other) become resentful.
Pay attention to if you are giving too much or being too needy and create boundaries where necessary.
By communicating my truth, I create a healthy, harmonious life.
Messages for #46 Domestic Harmony
Are you having a hard time getting along with others?
If #46 has danced into your life today it’s an indication that you’re not playing well with others. There may be some angst or irritation when it comes to those around you. This might show up in a relationship with a partner, child, loved one, neighbor, co-worker, roommate, guest but wherever it lands there’s an air of discord that’s making things uncomfortable.
Your angels want you to know that they are working overtime behind the scenes to clear this up but you have to do your part. Take responsibility where needed, make amends when necessary and remember that no one is perfect.
Disharmony comes in the duality of life along with putting your foot in your mouth or being less than your best self. You are human, perfectly imperfect and so is the other. So have a forgiving heart and be humble when needed.
Also know that this discomfort in the relationship is assisting you in taking things to the next level. Being able to work through difficulties and disagreements is not easy and many connections fail because of hard feelings or quick judgments.
Sticking this out and seeing things through is a sign of growth for both of you and will deepen and strengthen your relationship for the better. Growing pains are a necessary part of our evolution.
#46 is also indicating a resolve or commitment to do something (or not.) Maybe you were thinking of moving and have decided to stay put or maybe you are firm in your decision to leave a job or relationship.
Whatever it is you have made up your mind and there’s no turning back now. Full steam ahead!
If we dial back the numbers we find…
4 – Angels / Determination
6 – Harmony / Responsibility
4+6=10 – Fresh starts 1+0=1 – Make a Wish
46 – Effort / Compassion / Compromise
Love & Relationships
If #46 rolled into your life today in terms of love it’s a sign of loyalty, devotion and kindness. This is in contrast of our other number today #33. If you picked 46 you are being invited to go the extra mile in your love life to warm someone’s heart or make their day maybe with a bouquet of flowers or a home-cooked meal.
Your highest priority right now is to simply love. Give love, receive love and SHINE your love.
I have happy, harmonious relationships within my happy, harmonious home.
Which number resonated with you this week?
Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.
Also know that I hang out here on the blog and on our FB Live the first 30 minutes after my video airs to answer questions and engage with you. Just my way of thanking you for your support.
Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.
Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel yet? That way you’ll be notified as soon as my forecast goes live so you won’t miss a thing.
I hope you’ve enjoyed our Numerology Message today. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
May your voice be heard and your communication with others be strong and clear.
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle