Card 1: Death
Gotta love Scorpio season ending, bringing in Sagittarius energy. This brings in the Death card which is just a huge transformation, a complete overhaul of your energy. I have been reading that apparently every 7 years our cells regenerate, like a completely different human body every 7 years. Think of yourselves in your 7th year. You have regenerated, you are not the same person. Why would you be in the same area? It’s like graduating kindergarten and still hanging out with kindergarteners. You’re in grade 3, what are you going to gain from that? You have learned everything you need to learn, why are you still in that space? Move on, just release it from your life.
Card 2: 10 of Cups
The family is doing great, the family is very very happy. They have hit an emotional peak, which is not to say it’s a bad thing. We have peaks and valleys, so right now its on the up and up which is good. With this peak, start something new. A new family tradition, Start talking about what you will be doing for your Christmas traditions, which is different than everyone sees as happiness. Ask questions to your family. DO what you can to change some traditions within your family. Start something new.
Card 3: 9 of Wands, 5 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords
So because you held on for too long and didn’t let go. You lost a lot of power, and now you have nowhere else to go and with that energy, people are really badly taking advantage of you. It’s like people are kicking you when you’re down. You had opportunities in the past to let go but you held on for way too long. Don’t turn it into a pattern. Go back to when you had an opportunity and let go of things that were holding me back. If you do that it won’t hold you anymore