No matter which card you selected, the tower card tried to pop out which suggests that there is an opportunity for unexpected change that will arise this week. Drastic change is on the cards for you, but your subconscious is a little fearful of it because you also want that grounding energy that 2020 is enforcing us to be more in tune with. However, the #9 energy of September is not only about endings but also about creating space for new beginnings to come through.
While this unexpected change might make you feel apprehensive, this change can lead to something exciting and positive.
Card 1
Page of Swords / The World
There is something very positive on the horizon, so look out for that this week! This event is linked with a young air sign (Libra/Aquarius / Gemini) who will motivate you to take inspired action. So, if you’re got any creative thoughts or ideas that you’re sitting on, now is the time to take action!
Want to learn more about the Page of Swords and The World? Check out the blog below:
Card 2
Six of Pentacles
This unexpected change is linked to a charitable act that you did. This act of charity creates a positive ripple effect of abundance that will prompt the Universe to send more positive energy and blessings your way!
Want to learn more about the Six of Pentacles? Check out the blog below:
Card 3
The Hierophant / Seven of Wands / The Moon
There is a spiritual development or awakening on the cards for you this week that will completely transform your foundation. Right now, you might be feeling a little insecure and unsure about your direction, but these feelings are necessary for change. So, in this sense, your unexpected change will take the form of a complete change to your belief system. Initially, this may not feel like a positive change but please hold on because this shift in mindset will lead to a breakthrough.
Want to learn more about the Hierophant, Seven of Wands and the Moon cards? Check out the blog below:
- Unlock the Meaning of the Hierophant Tarot Card
- Unlock the Meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot Card
- Unlock the Meaning of the Moon Tarot Card
Which card did you choose? Type 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below!