Card 1
Two of Cups
If you’re drawn to this card, it’s time to pay attention to your relationships. Ego comes into play when it comes to true love and connection – how they make you feel, how you make them feel, how they look, what they give etc.
What this card is urging you to do this week is to cast your ego aside and ask yourself why you’re really with your partner. This is an opportunity to separate ego from spirit and consider how this person makes you feel on a deeper spiritual level. If this person doesn’t make you feel spiritually enriched then it’s time to find out why.
Want to learn more about the Two of Cups? Check out the blog below:
Card 2
Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups makes yet again another appearance in August! Do you know what this means? Well, this is a sign that it’s time to consider how and why this young Water sign (Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio) has deceived you. This exercise might be painful at first, but this is necessary for a breakthrough! Once you make peace with your past then you will be free to move on!
Want to learn more about the Knight of Cups? Check out the blog below:
Card 3
Three of Pentacles
This card was face-down which means that this is a sign that your subconscious hasn’t recognized yet. Right now, there is some deception that surrounds your work and the skills you have. It’s highly likely that you are not being paid enough for your work and because you’re not sure how to proceed you feel powerless in your position. This week it’s time to manifest that promotion and make it known to the Universe that you’re worth it – you’re a force to be reckoned with!
You have the talent to push further than where you are right now, so you do not have to settle! We are evolving beings so this is the time to think about growth and embrace some forward momentum in your professional life. This is the time to kick those goals, so go for it!
Want to learn more about the Three of Pentacles card? Check out the blog below:
Which card did you choose? Type 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below!