To check out this week’s video head over to our Facebook page! To read your Numerology Message for this week read on…
This week’s theme is Safety & Spirituality.
Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Messages.
Which number are you drawn to this week?
#60 or #77?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the # you picked in the comments below and also I’d love to hear what part of the message really hit home for you?
Messages for #60 Safety
Are you feeling scared?
Not sure what’s going to happen next?
If you picked #60 your angels want you to know that you are safe and well cared for here and beyond. Remember, all supply comes from the Divine not from people. Yours is a heavenly source.
You are being invited to give your fears to the angels to transmute into love and peace. They cannot help you if you do not ask.
When we take a closer look at our numbers we find…
6 – harmony and stability
0 – infinity and magnifies the number that it follows
6+0= 6 – that’s a DOUBLE DOSE of harmony and stability
60 – Your material needs are being met shift your focus to family and relationships.
Love & Relationships
In terms of love, this number is bringing the message that it’s time to be more generous with your love, your gifts, your time. Share your blessings with your partner and appreciate their efforts. Focus on what you love about your relationship not what you don’t love this week.
Affirmation for #60
I make good decisions that keep my family and myself safe and secure.
Messages for #77 Spirituality
Do you feel lost and disconnected?
This is a gentle reminder that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and when you find your way back to God you will find your way back home.
For some reason, you have gotten off the beaten path and it’s time to realize what’s important in your life and make sure you have your Divine as a priority. Every morning I sit with a cup of coffee and thank God for my blessings. When I don’t take that time out to be with him it affects my whole day. I am less centered and easily thrown off course.
Feeling lonely can be a sign that you need to carve out time for your Beloved. Sit in communion with Mother Nature and be grateful for the blessings of this life amidst all the chaos and strife.
My daughter got a kitten and watching little Nugget romp around helps us all remember the magic of life.
This is a unique time for you to celebrate and strengthen your Divine connections with God, with your Spiritual Team, with your Angels. Spend time regularly in prayer, meditation, yoga, chanting or some other sacred activity.
Preethaji from India says that Spirituality is not a lifestyle. Spirituality is an expansion in consciousness so YES spending time connecting with your Divine is important but so is doing the work of awakening into a deeper and more profound experience of life.
Being Spiritual is to become the witness of the craziness running through your mind and remembering your thoughts are not your thoughts, your mind is not your mind, your body is not your body, this self is just an illusion, all things are happening automatically.
If you’d like to deepen your spiritual connections be sure to join us for our upcoming Spiritual Lightworker’s Academy. A 12-week program designed to assist you in awakening to the highest version of yourself.
Love & Relationships
If #77 rolled into your life this week in terms of love it’s important to be attentive and authentic in thought, word and deed. Showing your undying love and affection will go far in your romance and devotion is key this week.
Affirmation for #77
My relationship to the Divine is my path to inner peace.
Which number resonated with you this week?
Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.
Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.
I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
May you feel the love and support the Universe is showering down upon you walking in faith and not fear.
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle