What’s Instore For July?
July 2020 is NUMBERED 7+2+0+20 = 29, 2+9=11.The #29 indicates July will be a month we learn about the information that was previously hidden. High tension and a lack of clarity give way to truth and LIGHT. The LIGHT will enhance new partnerships and fuel higher consciousness. Those in need are provided for abundantly.
Your Day-By-Day Forecast For July 2020
July 1st
Reach out to children. The arts get a boost today…singing, painting, dancing and speaking.
It’s a day of celebration, a day of enjoying the fruits of a job well done. Very romantic vibe today…watch out for love triangles.
July 2nd
Justice is an issue today.
Today there may be obstacles and competition, so meet them head-on.
It’s time to get the work done. An argumentative nature could lead to isolation. Legal dealings and or settlements are possible.
July 3rd
Today’s vibration brings good news, rewards and victory.
It’s a blessing to be used as a channel of God, so don’t gloat!
Freedom and change are in the air. Be careful in traffic, expect changes and surprises all day…in a good way.
July 4th
Happy Birthday USA! It will be important to have self-confidence today.
We may be asked to walk our talk. Home and family may require attention. Be of service but do not be a martyr. A day of NATIONAL HEALING.
July 5th
Today’s energy favors communications of all kinds.
The messages we receive help us to advance toward our goals. Log jams break and things move forward. The truth is revealed, that which has been hidden is brought to light.
July 6th
Today, all financial matters are favored.
There can be business expansion, loans granted, promotions, major purchases and inheritances under today’s influences. It’s a day of reaping what has already been sown.
July 7th
Endings are likely today. The old is making way for the new. Energy is available for inventive approaches, selfless service and creative solutions.
July 8th
New starts are favored. It is time to begin again.
This is a great day for new plans, new partnerships and new love. Spend time with family and show your love.
July 9th
Love, marriage, visions…today many advantages come our way.
Use your advantages to help others. High energy day. But, be sure to avoid extremes!
July 10th
Today will be a fun day.
A great day for spending time in leisure or romantic activities…love is in the air!
Children are also a focus today, so be sure to pay attention.
Join with others to improve our communities. It’s time for fun, relaxation and travel.
July 11th
Today favors new birth. Time to plan our work and work the plan. Building a business, a home or both is favored. Today, obstacles are a blessing and any endings are those needed to make way for something better.
July 12th
Today’s vibe favors love, children, change and prosperity, Be prepared to alter old patterns. It’s a great day to take a risk – go for it!
July 13th
The caterpillar becomes the butterfly today!
This is a day for artists and creative types to express themselves. Love and harmony rule the day.
Win-win settlements are possible under today’s loving vibrations. Hug your family.
July 14th
It’s time to rest. Be still and know. This is not a day to push events. It is a day of harvest and healing, promotion and financial increase. Chill and enjoy!
July 15th
Intuitive vibrations allow us to make connections with our true convictions. Resolve to set new priorities if you feel unappreciated or under-compensated.
July 16th
AVOID CONFLICT with others!
Strong emphasis on endings and letting go. Learn from the past and let it go.
Postpone major surgery. Long-distance travel favored. Be loving and kind. Live and let live.
July 17th
New beginnings. Opportunities for success. Stay positive and pursue your goals with confidence. Expect positive life-enhancing changes. Think number 1.
July 18th
Today is a mystical magical day when dreams can come true. Avoid distractions. Super day for marriage and partnerships. Refrain from fanatic behavior. Our values are being tested.
July 19th
Goals are being met. Travel, celebration and financial abundance are favored. Use material rewards to help others in need. Have fun. Seek new horizons.
July 20th
Today get the work done that you have been putting off. Hard work gives results.
Be careful about the type and amount of food you eat today. Wealth is in the air. Great day for marriage. Medical treatments and routine surgery favored.
July 21st
Be patient til noon…then, expect many happy changes today and some surprises. Be flexible. Some will meet the love of their life today!
July 22nd
Drama on a global scale is possible today. Aggressive moves are likely. Right overcomes wrong under today’s balancing energy.
July 23rd
Today will emphasize solitude, stillness, separation and meditation. Great day for a retreat for some soul searching.
July 24th
Finances and business are favored. Trouble comes and trouble goes.
Don’t sweat the small stuff today. Be of good courage today you can handle whatever pops up. Great day to tell the boss why you deserve a raise. A great day to become your own boss.
July 25th
Today secrets are revealed. There can be endings and completions. Today is forgiving. Exercise, get rest.
July 26th
Today favors attainment, fulfillment and culminations. Honors will be given to the deserving. It’s time to start something new. Children born today will bring LIGHT to the world.
July 27th
A day to see things as they and are not as they appear.in order to bring about peaceful settlements.
July 28th
Emotional situations can be expressed positively through the arts. Sing, paint, dance, write stories with children.
Also, avoid having a pity party.
Join a cause. Someone needs a kind word and a gentle heart.
July 29th
It’s a great day for getting our thoughts organized. Seek rest, retreat and convalescence.
July 30th
Be careful accidents are more likely under today’s volatility. Expect change and avoid impulsiveness.
July 31st
Today’s energy favors legal resolutions and settlements. Be of service… and love.