Card 1
Knight of Pentacles
This week, around June 15th, a young Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo) will be highlighted in your life. This person requires stability and security in order to grow and move forward in life. This week, put all of your focus on this young Earth Sign and make sure that they feel supported and financially secure. Give them the tools to move forward in a positive way. This is the time to empower them through knowledge. Do your own work in order to help them. Get grounded, learn about your financial literacy. Research crystals, do spellwork on their behalf–do whatever you feel you can to help them. It is important that you do the work for them this week as it will enhance their future in a positive way.
Want to learn more about the Knight of Pentacles? Check out this blog:
Card 2
The Empress
This is your week to tap into your fertile and creative energy. Give birth to a project, book, or relationship. Focus on where you want to put your fertile energy, as you have an abundant amount. This is the week to give birth to something that you have been “pregnant” with for a while. Now is the time to start preparing for the “labor” as it will come fast and furiously. Embrace this incredibly fertile and creative time by tapping into your support system.
Want to learn more about the Empress card? Check out this blog:
Card 3
2 of Cups, 8 of Swords, Justice, 4 of Wands, 9 of Swords
A partnership that makes you feel powerless is actually fair when it comes to your past lifetimes together. However, this is making you feel worried, stressed, you are having sleepless nights and internal conflict. This is the time to analyze and reflect on this relationship. Use the last little bit of Venus Retrograde to explore this relationship. This relationship has been difficult for you for a while, and even if you have cut them off–they are still sending you negative energy. Negative energy can sometimes be stronger than physically being attacked by them. So, do what you need to do to release the relationship, or mend it–on an energetic level.
Want to learn more about these cards? Check out the blogs below…
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