Tarot Card 1: The Chariot
Indigo Angel Card: Archangel Metatron
This week, Archangel Metatron is at your beck and call to give you a sense of peace and help you feel grounded and protected. Archangel Metatron helps time stand still so that you can get more done and feel in control of your life.
The Chariot Card is stripping everything away so that you can be alone and question who you really are without all the outside distractions. Ask Archangel Metatron to show you what you need to do to enhance your self-esteem without outside distractions. Then you can work on it and make some positive changes this week.
Tarot Card 2: King of Cups
Indigo Angel Card: Apologize
This is the week to apologize to a masculine Water Sign; Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. They are visiting you in your dreams because they have not forgiven you for what you did in the past. Write an open letter to them, be as honest and open to them and beg for forgiveness, whether real or perceived. Then burn the letter to release yourself this week. You should feel an instant sense of relief and may even get a visit from them in your dreams saying they forgive you.
Tarot Card 3: 10 of Swords
Indigo Angel Card: Dream and Compassion
Your dreams are speaking to you and asking you to have some compassion for yourself because you are feeling very pinned down. Remember that you are trying your hardest during this difficult time. Show compassion for yourself and it will be easy to have compassion for others. It is an uneasy time for everyone, so write down your dreams to help. By recording your dreams, you have invaluable information and a direct link to your subconscious mind. There is information there that is dying to come to your conscious level to clear. Take your time and recognize that dream work will be a very important tool in your toolbelt this week.