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This week’s theme is HOPE and SUPPORT.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Reading.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

64 or 90?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the # you picked in the comments below and also I’d love to hear what part of the message really hit home for you?

Messages for 64 – Hope

Is fear preventing you from pursuing more meaning in your life?

You are feeling called to do more or be more in your life but fear is stopping you dead in your tracks. God has more planned for you so don’t talk yourself out of your dreams or let other people rain on your parade.

The number 6 is about harmony. The number 4 indicates the Angels are supporting you right now. When we add 6+4 = 10 which is about fresh starts and new beginnings. If we take that a step further we find 1+0=1 and you are invited to “make a wish.”

All of this energy comes together to create 64 which holds the magic of HOPE.

You are destined for great things. If life looks bleak right now don’t give up, hang in there. Focus on gratitude. Find something to be grateful for each and every day. As you shift your perspective from “my life stinks” to “I love this, and this, and oh this too!” The Universe will begin to match that vibration and deliver more magic.

The #64 also represents new ideas and new ways of doing things so shift your perspective and you’ll be surprised at the creative solutions that will begin to flow.

Love – When it comes to love and relationships the #64 wants you to stay positive and hope for the best. It’s also important to slow down. You’ve been too busy and neglecting loved ones. Slow down and smell the roses. You won’t be sorry you did.

Affirmation for #64

All things are happening for me, not to me.

Messages for 90

Are you afraid to ask for help?

If you chose #90, you are definitely a Lightworker being asked to focus more on your spiritual development. You have strong intuitive abilities and it’s time to hone those skills.

9 is about endings and service to humanity.
0 represents eternity and choice.

The energy of 90 is like a clarion call to get snapping. The world needs that special something that only you have. (as Marie Forleo would say!) Look deeper into situations and spiritual truths will begin to be revealed.

As you move through this week remember you are fully supported by God and your spiritual team. Don’t forget to ask for help. You have free will. Divine intervention only occurs when you open your heart and ASK, otherwise they watch us stumble around trying to figure it out for ourselves.

Listen to the guidance you are getting from your heart. You are on a MISSION, a “Soul Mission” and whether you are aware of it or not, you are VERY devoted to this cause. Whatever has your attention, the “9” wants you to wrap it up and step into your higher calling.

Love – When it comes to love the #90 is inviting you to be patient and supportive. We are human and all make mistakes. Forgive and move on.

Affirmation for #90

I am supported by my spiritual team and ask for Divine help when I need it.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Reading. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you have a week filled with bright rays of hope lighting the way for your next best step to be revealed.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle
