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This week’s theme is NO REGRETS and DONATE.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.

Which number are you drawn to this week?

54 or 68?

One of these numbers holds a special message for you. Which one is whispering your name? Take a deep breath and allow yourself to be drawn to one of these numbers right now.

Messages for 54 – No Regrets!

Are you thinking about making a change?

Or maybe you just made a change and are thinking, “What the heck did I just do?!?”

This card is confirmation that whatever change you are desiring to make it’s a two thumbs up and to go ahead and move forward. Your desire for more is stronger than your fear of making a mistake. The angels are supporting you especially to take action and don’t delay.

If you recently took action with something and feeling like you might have just made the biggest mistake in your life the Angels are here to tell you NO you did not, this was a good move. Don’t let those gremlins convince you otherwise!

Don’t forget to ask for help from the Angels. My favorite is “Angels 911” if I am desperate and really feeling like I need a sign I say that and state my question or share my fear. After a few minutes of grounding myself and the Angels’ calm loving support, I always feel better and clearer on what direction to take.

If this number is showing up in your life this week it is also a message to be more purposeful with your life, with your time, with everything! Setting goals and having a plan is important to create a fabulous life. You really can have it all but that doesn’t happen if you are floating willy nilly through life.

Be purposeful.

Love – When it comes to love and relationships the #54 means there is a HUGE change coming and it’s all for the good. Let go of any worries or fears and trust that the Angels are taking your love life and relationships to a brand-new level!

Affirmation for 54

All things are happening for me, not to me.

Messages for 68

Where can I donate to keep the abundance flowing?

The Angels want to commend you for the good work you’ve done in terms of cleaning up your vibration to manifesting more prosperity and abundance and you are surely in the flow. But do you know what will bring you even more? It’s when you make tithing a priority in your life.

There are three areas of giving, it doesn’t have to always be about money. When you are manifesting prosperity in your life it’s important to be mindful of what you are willing to “give” in order to “receive” the abundance you so desire.

As I work with India and the Golden Age Mission they call it “SEVA” your service and it’s an integral part of life in their culture. As you open up to that concept what ideas come to your mind? You can share your time, your talents or your money. It’s all the same in terms of service.

Cooking dinner for your family is counted as service. Supporting local charities or go-fund me opportunities is also a great way to give back. Donating your time by helping someone else even if it’s something as simple as sharing a cup of tea with someone who is lonely.

One thing I know to be true is that when I help others abundance and prosperity FLOW in my life. So when cash gets tight that’s the first area I look at. Have I been to “busy” to help others? Is work coming at the expense of my relationships with my family? Those are areas I am constantly working on. What is it for you?

I love our affirmation for #68 and one I have on my vision board… the more money I have the more I can help others.

Love – When it comes to love the #68 is inviting you to make sure your loved ones are taken care of. Go the extra mile this week to be loving and supportive. Now is not the time to make it about you. It’s also a caution that there may be someone around you that are trying to sabotage your relationship. Be mindful of odd feelings when a certain person is around and watch your back.

Affirmation for 68

The more money I have, the more money I have to give.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you be blessed ten times over with all that you give to the world.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle
