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This week’s theme is JUST DO IT and FAITH.

Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message!

Which number are you drawn to this week?

34 or 73?

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the number you picked in the comments below and also I’d love to hear what part of the message really hit home for you?

Messages for 34 – Just Do It!Pin

Do you have trouble finishing things you start? Are you afraid of what will happen once you’ve completed something?

The number 3 indicates the Ascended Masters are with you and is a symbol of expansion, increase and manifesting. The number 4 indicates that the Angels are with you and is also a symbol of hard work, determination and drive.

When you put the two numbers together to make 34 you have a powerhouse of energy assisting you in creating your hearts’ desires and completing unfinished projects!

34 often appears when you need a gentle nudge to finish what you’ve started. Maybe you got frustrated or hit a roadblock. This number is a sign it’s time to revisit the project or tackle the challenge and with the added spiritual assistance you now have a successful outcome is sure to come.

This number also invites you to go deeper into what’s left undone in your life and why. Is there a deeper fear of being seen or rejection that’s at the core of your procrastination?

Don’t allow your fears to sabotage your dreams.

In love, the number 34 is about giving and receiving. You are being invited this week to give more than you get. As you selflessly shower others with love and joy you will receive that in return. So whatever you are wanting in your romance be sure to give twice as much.

Affirmation for 34

I finish what I start and give more than I get.

Messages for 73 – Faith

Are you doubting your path and unsure of your destiny?

The number 7 means that you are on the right path. whatever you are doing, whatever you are thinking of, continue to move forward in that direction. The 7 also symbolizes spirituality, enlightenment and faith. And as we’ve mentioned above the number 3 indicates the Ascended Masters are working with you to achieve your Divine life purpose. This number is a symbol of expansion, increase, and manifestation.

When we put the 7 + 3 together to make 73 it is the perfect mix of energies to get moving on your life purpose. We all came here for a reason and when we aren’t doing what we came here to do we find ourselves miserable and disconnected from life. When we are in total alignment with our Divine life purpose there is an ease and a flow in our lives that makes everything enjoyable and sacred.

If 73 has shown up for you today your spiritual team is inviting you to have faith and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You don’t need to see the whole staircase before you take that first step. As you trust that you are on the right path people and opportunities will show up to help you take the next step, and the next until finally you can see the whole staircase and the rest is history!

Also with this number, it is a sign to go inward for your answers. Be open to receiving spiritual insights and wisdom but it’s important to keep your vibration high through positive thinking. When you feel yourself doubting and questioning your decision take a deep breath, invite your team to surround you and be armed with an affirmation to counter any negative thoughts.

In love, this number is asking you to be open to change in your romantic relationship. Are you guarding your heart? Not letting someone in? Or playing it safe? You can never learn how to swim if you only dip your toes in, be willing to dive in and get wet and experience the fullness of love with all of its ups and downs.

No regrets.

Affirmation for 73

I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly and God’s plan is bigger than my own.

Which number resonated with you this week?

Go ahead and drop it below. It’s always fun to hear what number you were drawn to and how the message fit.

Your Spiritual Team wants you to know they are with you cheering you on from the sidelines. Watch for the number you chose as you move about this week as confirmation that they really are speaking to you and wanting to guide you toward your highest good.

I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.

May you live life with your eyes wide open and no regrets.

Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle
