To check out this week’s video head over to our Facebook page! To read your Numerology Message for this week read on…
This week’s theme is INTUITION and DON’T DELAY.
Welcome to our Weekly Numerology Message.
Which number are you drawn to this week?
22 or 39?
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel into each number. Which one holds a special message for you today? Then post the number you picked in the comments below and also I’d love to hear what part of the message really hit home for you?
Messages for 22
Are you paying attention to your intuition?
If you picked 22 this week then your angels want you to focus on your own inner wisdom. Stop looking outside yourself and giving other people’s opinions more importance in your life than your own.
Don’t betray your own inner guidance. Only YOU know what’s in your highest good, not your mother or best friend.
This week is also a time to honor your sensitivity. Being a highly sensitive person is not a curse it’s actually a blessing. Honor this gift and embrace who you are.
You can do this best by spending time alone through prayer, meditation, listening to music, mindful breathing, yoga or maybe taking up Qigong. Being in nature and the great outdoors helps to keep you grounded and aligned with that inner voice.
So this week watch for when you are feeling indecisive or unsure and go within. Your intuition knows what’s best for you and when you allow yourself to be led to the best decision synchronicities will bring in all that you need to make ensure a successful experience.
Affirmation for 22
My intuition leads me to where I need to be.
Messages for 39
What action have you been putting off?
If you drew this card this is literally a CLARION CALL from your Spiritual Team that the time is now to take action.
Get to work Lightworker!
Maybe you’ve been dragging your feet on turning your dream job into a day job or maybe you know it’s time to leave your day job but you have no idea what your Divine life purpose is!
Take the course, get the certification, master the class and stop procrastinating. The world needs that special something only you have.
The number 39 is about love toward humankind and a desire to help improve it. If you chose this number you are being called to a higher-order in your life and for the world. This is a pretty serious message so please don’t ignore or deny this call. Deep in your heart, you are ready and the time has come.
The 3 in our number this week represents Ascended Masters who want to make their presence known. You’ve got some big guns up there working with you to get ‘er done and show up this year in a bigger way.
The number 9 in our number this week is about serving humanity and allowing yourself to be used for a higher purpose.
When you put those two numbers together for 39 you get the Angels and Ascended Masters are supporting you in fully stepping into your Divine Life Mission. Don’t say no.
Affirmation for 39
I move forward with confidence knowing that all is well in my future.
Go ahead and drop it below, I’d love to know what number you were drawn to and what message inspired you the most this week.
Watch for that number on license plates, digital clocks, grocery receipts and timestamps on text messages. Your spiritual team talks to you through numbers. The more you pay attention the stronger your connection with their guidance will be.
I hope you enjoyed our Weekly Numerology Message. Thank you for sharing this forecast if it resonated with you.
Be sure to check out the Numerologist Facebook page to watch this week’s Numerology message!
May you be blessed with much prosperity and abundance in this New Year.
Angel Hugs,
Julie Geigle