Card 1
A week of transformations! A purifying week in which you are emerging out of your cocoon and blossoming into a beautiful butterfly. All of the spiritual work have you done over this past year is now coming to fruition. Test your changes by choosing a different reaction than your old self would have done. Try to master this new energy so that come January 2020 you will know exactly who you are and what your purpose is.
Card 2
3 of Wands
Your ships have come in! Jupiter transiting to Capricorn is putting restrictions and limitations on you but also massive rewards! Keep your thoughts positive because you are instantly manifesting your thoughts and emotions. This is your week to embrace what you have sacrificed and worked so hard for so enjoy it!
Card 3
5 of Wands
There is conflict in your life. However, there is so much power here because the Universe is showing you what is unhealed within yourself. Look at the people who annoy and bother you and recognize that you yourself need to heal that aspect of yourself. Bring it to the conscious level, own it, and it will clear and no longer hold you hostage. This is invaluable for your January 2020 of foundation building.