Card 1
9 of Swords
Feeling a little weighed down this week? Swords represents our thoughts so your responsibilities and new beginnings are great but it is your thoughts that are affecting the situation. This new beginning and new energy does not have to weigh you down; it is giving you independence. Think about the fact that you have the opportunities to create something new, that this responsibility is giving you some (if only one) positive aspects. This Universe needs you to be positive and appreciative about your opportunities and not see them as burdens.
Card 2
9 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles
You have worked so hard, and accomplished so much that people are watching. It is important to go out and ask for your rewards! Pitch yourself and request the things that you want. You have worked so hard, and accomplished a lot, but now is the time to go out and ask for what you deserve. Even asking for something small will tell the Universe that you are ready to evolve, grow and develop. Why work so hard, if you are not going to go ask the Universe for your reward. Enter the contest, enter the pageant, and apply yourself this week!
Card 3
2 of Swords, 3 of Wands
What you have created is officially coming to fruition this week. But, the energy that you have created is confusion over a relationship. You have been ambiguous about what you want, you did not tell yourself what you want from them, and the Universe is abiding by giving you more ambiguity and confusion. Get clear about what you want from this relationship and you will manifest the changes regardless of the 3D blockers that are stopping you from attaining what you want.