The chakra we are focusing on this week for healing is the 2nd chakra, orange. The affirmation to empower you is I deserve to be happy.
The question for this week is: Am I present in the moment? Am I showing up for myself?
This week we have the beautiful Full Moon along with a partial lunar eclipse as we move through our second week of Mercury Retrograde so the energy is incredibly intense. The universe is supporting you in letting go of things that are over whether that be a person who has passed, a relationship that’s ended or a career that’s done, you are being invited to embrace endings in your life.
When we embrace endings instead of trying to hang on for dear life, a beautiful opening occurs which allows something new and wonderful to come in. When we stay stuck and deny that things are different, deny how we are feeling about something ending it blocks the energy in our 2nd chakra where we honor feelings and accept things for what they are.
As you know blockages oftentimes cause disharmony and dis-ease in our life so it is critical that you recognize and take a look at how you might be resisting endings this week.
Reflect on Your Mortality
This is also an excellent time to reflect on your mortality. What is your part in this grand scheme of life? Did you give it your best shot or did you hide behind “busy” going through the motions? Take a close look at all that you’ve achieved the good, the bad and the ugly and cherish all of the beauty combined. Without duality, it all becomes a little mundane and boring. Contrast keeps life interesting. Love what is and trust that life is constantly unfolding for you not happening to you.
As people around you pass onto the spirit world allow them to be at peace. How can you do that? Accept what happened (death) and allow yourself to be at peace with it. When you are at peace, they are at peace. I’m not saying not to grieve, but I am saying don’t carry that cross like a martyr. It’s not helping them and it certainly isn’t helping you. There is a natural order to things and a beautiful circle of life that when embraced will bring much grace and solace into your life.
MEDITATION “Honor Your Feelings”
Take a nice deep breath and relax.
Allow all your feelings about endings to come to you. Do you want to run and hide? Or do you stand steady and revel in “done?”
Whatever you are feeling just be with that for a moment. Feel all of your feelings. Honor your feelings. Allow yourself to feel.
Whenever you are ready, place your feelings into a balloon or a bubble and watch it float away.
Take a nice deep breath as you embrace endings in your life, trusting that all is well and something new and wonderful is now ready to come in.
And so it is.
Go ahead, drop a comment or answer our question this week “Am I present in my life? How do I (or don’t I) show up for myself? I always circle back and would love to hear from you.
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May your 2nd chakra open to receive all of the joy and happiness you deserve.
Angel Hugs,