Card #1
4 of Cups
There is something emotionally missing in your home life. This week is a time to realize that you have been depriving yourself of an emotional energy that has been trying to enter your life. Create the space to bring in something new and positive. Have courage and excitement with this new energy, because it is a positive blessing. This energy will give you support, guidance, love, and acceptance. Embrace it to the fullest by opening your heart and saying “yes” more to life!
10 of Cups
This is a great week! The family is doing great and everybody is emotionally happy. Now is the perfect opportunity to embrace something new. Bring in new energies by telling the Universe that you are thankful for what you have been blessed with through a daily gratitude journal. By writing down 10 things a day that you are grateful for, you create a positive shift in your mindset. This shift then allows you to recognize the small clues that lead to major abundance!
Card #3
8 of Wands
So many positive opportunities coming in this week! These opportunities are coming in from every angle and are disguised to test whether or not you know what you truly want. Trust that every opportunity can lead to what you want by saying “yes” as often as you can. Embrace every single opportunity that comes in this week and then at the end of the week, you can release the things that are not a good fit for you and that are not in alignment with the person you want to be.