Card #1

6 of Swords

This week you are moving on from something. Your thoughts are starting to make you realize that your responsibilities have become overwhelming and it is time for you to move on. You are thinking about your family and the hard times that have plagued you recently. The hard times are not worth the aggravation, so you would rather take your chances with the unknown than to stay where you know you are not happy.

Use this week to think about the process involved in moving on. Think about the plans that are needed to be made before you actually take the leap. If you do move on, it will be a very positive experience!


2 of Cups

Your relationships are bringing a lot of ruling energy in which your partner is trying to overbear themselves onto you. This week you can balance out your independence and dependence with others. Where in your relationship, are you putting them on a pedestal and not giving yourself honor and respect?

This week is a perfect opportunity to speak your truth and to stand your ground when it comes to a lover.

Card #3

8 of Wands

Vast and intense opportunities are available to you this week!

You will find this week brings a ton of opportunities in your inbox. Sift through them and go with your intuition, if it feels good then sign up and take part! These opportunities will bring you happiness, joy, light and a renewed sense of adventure! Embrace the opportunities wholeheartedly and don’t forget to give thanks to the Universe for this abundance of opportunities.