This month, there are “Rainbow Blessings” for everyone. Everything that occurs in your life — even those things that aren’t what you planned for or wanted, are blessings that bring you exactly where you need to be. Right now, there are possibilities in front of you that weren’t available in the past. You have more opportunities now than ever before, no matter who you are or why your soul decided to incarnate here. Embrace those possibilities. Embrace what happens to you, knowing that it’s pushing you to experience and express who you came here to be.
This is the message that’s coming up for everyone this month.
Now go ahead and connect with yourself, take a moment to go within, and ask yourself which message you most need to hear for the month of October: Message #1, #2, or #3. And of course, you may be drawn to more than one.
Message #1 — 4:50
Message #2 — 8:10
Message #3 — 10:50
We’re using the Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer for this reading.
Message #1
The Clouds
If you were drawn to message #1, the card that comes up for you is Clouds. Right now, you are going through some big shifts. Things that may have seemed “solid” to you, are drifting away. But your guides want you to know that it’s safe to let go. It’s safe to transform. It’s also extremely natural, and you’re supported through this process. If old friendships, relationships, or habits are starting to go away, let them. Let your life change to reflect who you’re becoming. It’s safe and you are held and supported.
Message #2
If you were drawn to message #2, the card that comes up for you is Meadow. You’re in a vulnerable place right now, but it’s okay. It’s safe to be vulnerable. You may have learned that you needed to be strong and independent. You may have learned to disown your vulnerability. Be kind to yourself and recognize that vulnerability is part of your human experience. Nothing bad will happen if you let other people see you being vulnerable. In fact, there is a hidden gift for you inside your feelings, so explore those feelings and sit with them for a little while. They will pass, and you’ll discover that true strength is allowing yourself to be vulnerable.
Message #3
If you were drawn to message #3, the card that comes up for you is Autumnal Equinox. This message is also about change. The changes you’re going through are natural, like when a tree lets go of its leaves for winter. You’re letting go and if feels good! You’re letting go of other people’s expectations of you. You’re letting go of the obligations you’ve carried around for a while. You’re letting go of having to maintain and manage other people’s experience. On the other side of release is freedom. You’re moving closer to freedom this month, and freedom is the permission to be yourself, totally.