Your energy is always shifting and changing. The energy on the planet, the movement of the stars, and your own personal evolution throughout the year creates a beautiful kaleidoscope of color. This month, we look at the color of your energy in the present moment, and see what spirit guide messages emerge.
Choose Your Message
Go ahead and get centered, connect with yourself, and ask which message is best for you today — #1, #2, or #3. Then feel free to fast forward to your particular message in the video:
Message #1 — 00:50
Message #2 — 5:31
Message #3 — 10:21
Drawn to Message #1?
If you were drawn to message #1, June is your month to enjoy the physical manifestation of your ideas! All the things you’ve been planning and thinking about for the past year are coming together now. You also have support around you in the form of others who can encourage or advise you. Enjoy this month of manifestation!
Drawn to Message #2?
If you were drawn to message #2, June is your month to release heavier energies like grief and disappointment. My sense is that you are already doing this, and the result is dramatic spiritual and personal growth. There’s also light-heartedness and fun, joy and laughter. These lighter energies will carry you from one state of mind to another. Rest in the knowing that everything is as it needs to be.
Drawn to Message #3?
If you were drawn to message #3, June is your month to shine your beautiful light and share your love. If you have been trying to manifest relationship, this is a great month to put yourself out there and meet new people. People will be drawn to the lovely light of who you are — especially if you focus on simply being yourself.”