The New Moon in Pisces always contains an inherently strange combination of energies. It’s at odds with itself.
Pisces Ends
As the last zodiacal sign, Pisces brings with it the energy of the finale. It brings culmination and completion, it closes the door and breathes a sigh of relief.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere Pisces Season (in which the Pisces New Moon will always fall) coincides with the end of Winter, and the dissolution of the longest, darkest days. The end is nigh!
New Moons Begin
But we all know by now that New Moons bring new beginnings, they symbolize the fresh burst of energy that comes with starting again and having one more chance.
So a New Moon in Pisces can feel strange …
… Are We Ending or Beginning?
Are we planting a seed, or composting the remains of the last?
There isn’t one answer to this question. Astrology is made up of SO many undulating, interconnected cycles and rhythms that even when aligning, they can often feel like they don’t! But do not be fooled – there are big gifts to be won from this lunation, and the combination of energies are precise and exactly what we need them to be, right now.
The completion of a cycle implies an ending. And endings can be forced, they can feel like energetic curtailment, constriction or even sadness. If what comes next is uncertain, then they can be scary and we may even resist them.
But Pisces isn’t a true ending.
Pisces is large, expansive and boundless. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces relaxes knots and massages tension. It flows and encourages us to move beyond our boundaries, to escape from our cycles.
Endings don’t exist for Pisces. Which means neither do beginnings. In this sign, everything dissolves and softens and time ceases to be linear. In Pisces, you get to choose the nature of the moment you’re in.
This New Moon occurs at 06:11 PST / 13:11 GMT at 26º of Pisces, on the 17th March.
At the time of the lunation, the minor planet Chiron is tightly conjunct Sun and Moon, and squaring Mars in Sagittarius. This makes Chiron a key player here, as it coincidentally comes close to the end of its own transit through Pisces. It’s been here for 7 years. Commonly known as “the wounded healer” Chiron takes us on a journey through our victimhood, our pain and trauma and down to the very depths of our most damaged selves, before offering us the route back up to mastery … should we wish to take it. It’s a tiny planet that packs a punch and wants us rise from the ashes.
It wants us to heal.
It wants you to heal
Healing means breaking free of our cycles – of the habits and patterns of pain which keep us trapped. Pisces does this too, by default. It breaks us free by taking us to the end, to the edge, to the closed door, and then revealing that it’s all an illusion.
So here, with Sun, Moon and Chiron all conjoining close to the very last degrees of Pisces, we’re being offered, quite clearly, a vision of freedom.
You have healed SO much. You have cycled your way through SO many spirals and now, with this New Moon, you are allowed to expand.
Our personal healing journeys are being highlighted right now
Whilst offering the illusion of closure, the edge Pisces brings us to is really the wide open window to a whole new world. That is the New Moon that we are looking at – boundless, limitless, healed potential.
Don’t let your healing be measured.
Don’t define (and unwittingly confine) how far you have come.
Look up, it is time to soar.
New Moon blessings,