
7/1 marks the exact midpoint of the year…

It’s hard to believe 2017 is half over. After the challenges and setbacks that wreaked havoc over 2016, a particularly trying 9 Universal Year, many had high hopes that 2017’s “1” energy (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1) would bring some welcoming relief…

After all, 1 is the number of new beginnings & fresh starts. It ignites ideas, inspires growth, and sparks lightning-fast manifestation. Unfortunately, though, the year has started off rockier than expected for most, and maybe for you too…

And that’s because, while a fresh surge of “1” energy can inspire change and ignite your abundance, it can also feel like drinking from a fire hose if you’re not properly prepared.

Mix in the multiple planetary retrogrades, eclipses and harsh astrological alignments that flavored the first half of our year, putting your forward momentum in reverse, and there’s really no wonder it has been a struggle.

Luckily, that’s all about to change…

On 6/21 we welcomed the beautiful Solstice, a time for celebrating your inner light and natural power, no matter where in the world you live…

Then, on 6/23, the Cancer New Moon took to the skies, marking a new era of initiation and emotional connection…

7/1 marks the exact midpoint of the year and the start of an explosive and expansive “8” Universal month, the number of infinite abundance…

And this powerful cosmic configuration crescendos on 7/9 with the Full “Thunder” Moon in Capricorn. Yup, you’ll head into the second half of 2017 with a BANG that will explode your ambitions and drive even more. Woooo eeeee!

Now is not the time to give up!

The first half of the year was slow, but now the shackles are off and the delays are behind you. Watch our quick video below to discover 5 simple steps for harnessing 2017’s “1” Universal energy and setting your abundance ablaze before the year is gone.


0:09 – The single most searingly urgent equation of 2017.
0:31 – Why many said 2016 “was the worst year ever” (were they wrong?)
0:54 – What you didn’t know about the number 1, including secret words that add up to “1” in numerology.
1:19 – Why 2017 is off to a rockier start than you expected.
1:43 – 4 powerful cosmic events that will turn your year around (right away)!
2:28 – A surprise announcement.
2:52 – 5 simple steps for harmonizing with 2017’s Universal energy before it’s too late.
3:29 – The ONE thing all good numerologists do before making ANY major life decisions.
4:06 – How to interpret the seemingly random number messages that appear in your daily life and environment.
4:21 – What you must do now to ensure your come out on top this year.

We’ve been busy preparing something for you – a personalized gift that will decode YOUR personal numerology for 2017 and reveal the opportunities and challenges waiting for you for the rest of the year. It will be ready soon, keep your eyes on your inbox…

Time to show 2017 what you’re made of,
The Team

P.S. What obstacle, setback or limiting belief are you ready to release as we move into the second half of 2017? Leave your comments below…