PinNumerology wise, the upcoming energies for February, ask us to be helpful and willing to assist the people around us. February is a number two month, which is all about our unions, so relationships with others are of heightened importance. Get prepared to focus on teamwork and your networking skills! Furthermore because it’s a number nine global year, there is a double emphasis on the altruistic energy, particularly in our close groups and in all or interactions with others.

Not only is February a 2 month it’s also expanded by being an 11/2 Universal Month (2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2). 11 is a Master Number and also reduces to a 2!

There is a soft energy to these numbers, with the number two in its dealings with peace and diplomacy and the number nine’s vibration opening to wisdom and depth. When we encounter a number two global month, we may need to be patient as things tend to slow down. Accepting the tranquil pace will allow you to soak in the atmosphere and enjoy your encounters with all those special people in your life. Welcome this as a time for connecting, co-operating and putting others first in some instances. Think about how you can make situations easier for all concerned, and you will gain rewards for this assistance at a later date.

Your number 2 peacemaker is meeting the number 9 humanitarian and together, they make for a great mix to do some good in charitable causes or for the benefit of positive change in your family or friend circle. Think about your partnership with someone and how balanced the union is. If you aren’t in a romantic relationship, contemplate on what you would want from a close connection with someone. This cycle may raise issues around appropriate giving, which always needs to be balanced with an ability to receive. Can you give to yourself and set boundaries around what you offer out? Creating a calm position within yourself will benefit all those who mix with you. Often giving is easier than we think, it can be effortless when we are centred and self-appreciating. Enjoy this softer and slower energy over the next couple of weeks.