Welcome to your early October and Libra NEW MOON Forecast! Lots of really good news to share with you… especially now that the big eclipse season is over and we can turn our attention to the beautiful, heart-centered month of October.
One of the exciting heavenly developments this month is the emergence of a powerful Abundance Astrology TRIPLE conjunction between Venus, Mars and Jupiter – SO fortunate!
Here are the highlights leading up to the Libra New Moon:
All October long the number 9 is activated (10.2015 = 1+0+2+0+1+5 = 9).
- 9 invites you to make room for endings and culminations. Deep release will create space for amazing new opportunities.
- 9 is the number of wisdom, empathy and compassion – immerse your days in LOVE and deep gratitude!
On October 11 Jupiter trines Pluto – a fabulous abundance activation in astrology!
When Jupiter and Pluto merge harmoniously, money manifestation opportunities are really enhanced. And the good news is that this trine between Jupiter and Pluto will last all month long.
New Moons always bring new beginnings, and this Libra New Moon on October 12 (8:05 pm EDT, 5:05 pm PDT) or October 13 (1:05 AM UT) is especially potent:
- The Sun and Moon will be at 19° Libra – 19 is what the ancients called the “Prince of Heaven” number, and symbolizes the Sun. So this New Moon infuses our relationships with LIGHT.
- 19 adds up to the “root number” 1 (19 = 1+9 = 10 and 1+0 = 1). Number 1 is the symbol of fresh starts and new beginnings, just like the New Moon!
- In the sign of Libra the New Moon continues the same storyline as we had during eclipse season – a focus on balancing our relationships.
- What gives this New Moon an extra punch is that the Sun and Moon will be exactly opposite Uranus, bringing sweeping changes and new beginnings…plus new, unexpected goals for your future.
- Sun and Moon will also square Pluto, so the New Moon actually rekindles the square between Uranus and Pluto that went on over the past 3.5 years. You’re really releasing past patterns in a deeply heart-centered way – another theme echoed in October’s 9 Universal Month.
- The amazingly fortunate TRIPLE conjunction between Venus, Mars and Jupiter gets fired up by this New Moon! This fortunate abundance astrology conjunction keeps getting stronger and stronger as the month goes on, emitting peace, joy, fortune, devotion, creativity and passion into your life – especially your love life AND your finances!
- And, as if that’s not enough excitement, Venus is squaring Saturn, and that infuses a healthy dose of honesty and integrity into how you communicate with your partner!
The strong emphasis on love, connecting heart-to-heart and embodying abundance is super strong and super fortunate this month. You’ll feel a sense of LIBERATION and ecstasy during and after this New Moon.
So seek out opportunities and amplify abundance.
Enjoy this beautiful, fortunate and liberating Libra New Moon!
Love and Blessings,