Two powerful eclipses define September 2015, and this means it’s a month of tremendous shifts!

The entire world will experience sudden and profound change this month. Eclipses open up portals of transformation. They align the Sun, Moon and Earth, and this alignment happens twice within two weeks, so eclipses always RESTART us in some major way – like rebooting your computer and beginning with a fresh screen.

September’s two eclipses are definitely going to transform us even deeper than usual!

For one, a magnificent code of infinite resources and abundance is activated:

  • 2015 is an 8 Universal Year
  • September is a 17/8 Universal Month
  • A double 8-8 is magnified throughout September

8 symbolizes eternity, leadership, prosperity and strength – and 8 is a visual reminder that the spiritual and mundane, the above and the below, are all one and not separate!

The first eclipse, a VIRGO Solar Eclipse occurs on Sunday, September 13.
13 symbolizes empowerment through life, death and rebirth.

During this New Moon Eclipse, the Sun and Moon are forming a harmonious trine to Pluto – a planet that ALSO governs life, death and rebirth!

And Pluto even lies at 13 degrees!

This amazing Eclipse code is followed by an equally magnificent day, September 17, when THREE astro-numerology events occur AT ONCE!

On September 17…

  • Jupiter forms an exact opposition to Neptune
    Saturn finally moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius
    Mercury goes retrograde

September’s 17 Month number is doubled up on the 17th.

The moments surrounding this first New Moon eclipse on September 13 and the events four days later on September 17 will bring the energy of the year to a climax.

(That radical shift will culminate with the big Full Moon Blood Moon Eclipse on September 27th and 28th.)

Have a wonderful, life-changing Eclipse weekend!

Love and Blessings,
