We are blessed with an exquisite Full Moon in Pisces on August 29 – the final lunation before we move into Eclipse cycle in September!
- 29 adds up to 11, the gateway into double new beginnings – and a powerful call to live fully in this present moment.
- It’s the FIRST of three Supermoons of 2015…
- Sun and Moon both have a powerful and passionate double conjunction: Moon merges with Neptune in Pisces (Neptune’s own sign) opposite the Sun and Jupiter in Virgo.
Jupiter, the planet of BIG opportunities, joyful anticipation of the future and finding meaning in life – Jupiter conjuncts the Sun! This means you are deepening your connection with the divine by focusing on expansion, joy and abundance.
And with the Sun and Moon at 6°:06” we are blessed with a beautiful healing and abundance code made even more real in Virgo.
This is truly a beautiful magnification of your inner light!
Amazingly, it all happens while Venus and Mars come together. They will be joined with each other in conjunction on the cusp of August 31 and first moments of September 1…
This Venus/Mars conjunction sets us up for a profound transformation in September.
Enjoy this mystical, passionate and abundant Pisces Full Moon!
Love and Blessings,