August 14 is New Moon Friday!

With five planets in FIRE signs – Uranus is in Aries, and four planets in Leo, (Sun and Moon, plus Venus and Mars), this Leo New Moon will be igniting you with fiery passion.

Retrograding Venus merges with the Sun and Moon to amplify joy and exuberance, romance and creativity.

And the theme of joy and celebration is amplified by a magnification of the number 21:

  • The Sun and Moon will be at 21° in Leo
  • August 14, 2015 is a 21 Universal Date

PinBut that’s just part of the story…

This triple Moon/Sun/Venus conjunction forms a magnificent trine to Uranus!

And that means, you’re exhilarated, open to spontaneity and excited about the future. New, intriguing ideas set you free to explore unexpected opportunities with a fresh abandon.

Plus, on August 11, just days before the New Moon, Jupiter moves into VIRGO beginning an exquisite year of rejuvenation and healing!

Here’s to a joyous New Moon of new beginnings!

Love and Blessings,
