PinEveryone has Reiki. Even before you qualify as a practitioner, you have access to this magical force because it is innate to our being.

I always recommend trialling a few mock treatments before investing in a course to see if you resonate with or even enjoy working with energy. Remember you can not give a healing to someone who does want one.

Whenever we touch someone with the intention of helping we are providing a healing so use your imagination and experiment! Try laying your hands on a willing volunteer and start by trying to gently cover the areas such as the head, heart, torso and feet.

12 Steps To Creating Your Reiki Treatment Room

Step 1 – Create a gentle safe place for the treatment. You can use a treatment couch or a table with a thick blanket on top. A cushion for under the legs is also a good idea as this will support the back. If you do not have a table them a chair will suffice.

Step 2 – Ensure the temperature in the room is comfortable. Make sure you have a warm blanket at the ready to cover the person you are working on as the body loses heat during a healing.

Step 3 – Avoid bright or glaring light directly above the bed or table. Soft, ambient lighting is always more soothing.

PinPinStep 4 – Have a box of tissues available. Emotions can be releases so watch out for tears.

Step 5 – It is important to protect yourself to ensure that you do not absorb the recipient’s emotional emissions. This is as simple as imagining you are surrounded by a protective white or purple shield, bubble or light.

Step 6 – Play soft background music to ease people into a state of relaxation.

Step 7 – Avoid sudden interruptions. Switch off your mobile device, television and make sure the dog is resting.

Step 8 – Wash your hands thoroughly and clean your nails. I always recommend using a few drops of essential oil such as lavender on your hands as they will be coming in close proximity to people’s faces.

Step 9 – Be mindful of smells. Avoid heavy perfumes, eating garlic beforehand or cigarette smoke.

Step 10 – Check that the recipient does not mind you touching him or her. If they do not like to be touched, you can try hovering your hands slightly above the body.

Step 11 – Ask if they have any other health problems before giving a treatment.

Step 12 – Aim to cover different areas for about 5 minutes each and see if you can notice any sensations in your hands…


Each of the seven main Chakras relates to a specific color. A great way to notice which of your endocrine glands may be either functioning excessively or deficiently is to simply observe which color you are currently most attracted to.

  • Red – Base Chakra
  • Orange – Sacral Chakra
  • Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Green – Heart Chakra
  • Blue – Throat Chakra
  • Indigo – Third-Eye Chakra
  • Violet – Crown Chakra

Certain emotions are also connected to each chakra. Leave a comment below to reveal which color you are currently resonating with and I will respond with a few suggestions of the emotions you may be experiencing, which may require rebalancing.

Colorful blessings,
