Vedic Astrology Weekly Snapshot:
In general now, there is a them more toward personal connections and away from asserting our individuality, as the big stellium of planets in Aries give way to having a stellium in Taurus – the sign of contentment with what he have.
Monday and Tuesday
This week is quite auspicious, especially for business with Jupiter aspecting the Moon in Virgo.
Wednesday and Thursday
Will show some relationship pressures with Moon in Libra joined Saturn and Rahu
Friday and Saturday
The Moon in debilitated in Scorpio, so watch for jealousies and irrational fears.
There is another Lunar eclipse on Friday. Look for a video update then.
The Moon in Sagittarius is more philosophical.
Two big questions for the week:
Are you ready for more contentment?
Are you seeing where a lack of gratitude is hurting you?
How is this?