There’s something rather spooky about having a person accurately discuss the unfolding of your life just by looking at the unique markings of your palm. Most of the time, people swiftly pull their hands back while there are those who encourage the reading by asking, “What else do you see?”
Do you know that the lines on your hand are directly wired to the conditioning of your brain? As your thought processes change – a process reflected by your inclinations or tendencies – the lines on your palms change as well. The ancient oriental science of palmistry explains this relation best.
The brain is not idle; it consistently welcomes and assimilates new knowledge. Because of this, it develops a solid level of anticipation for the possible outcomes and this is the very basis of a prediction. When the brain retains information, it transmits them to the sense organs. Along with this transmission, the body somewhat morphs into a version of itself that’s ready for what is likely to come, hence the changing of palm lines. The palms are particularly sensitive to the rewiring of the brain as it contains nerve endings and they’re terminal points; you can even observe a change in the lines in a matter of months.
According to palmistry experts, an individual’s future cannot be predicted early in life, he has to reach that age of personal accountability first when he’s already in full control over his thoughts, decisions and he’s no longer basing them upon the leading of others. Once he reaches that age, the life path that palmistry can shed light on will become clearer and more accurate. The prediction that a palm reading does is not fortune-telling; it’s basically an acknowledgement of the definite mind and body connection. People form a lot of habits through their entire lifetime and the palm functions like a constant reminder of these habits. It reveals a person’s behavioral patterns, which many people tend to mistake for being able to show the future.
For a better understanding of your life map through palmistry, it’s important that both palms are studied. Your dominant hand will display the active direction your life is taking and the life elements complementing this path. The other hand, however, will likely display your experiences, indicating if you’re subconsciously working toward or against the goals you’re actively trying to achieve. The study of both hands provides a clearer and more solid evaluation of your life.