Oh, Aquarius! You wonderfully closed off and conflicted being, you!

Aquarians are progressive, independent and deep thinkers who love nothing more than to engage in meaningful and thought-provoking conversations or fight for a cause. But these positive aspects of their personality can have a dark side…

Running from emotions, being uncompromising and a general inability to put up with people’s bullshit means that Aquarians are usually the first to tell you to STFU or make you feel like you’ve misread the signs (which they absolutely did give you, but will absolutely not admit!).

If you have an Aquarius in your life, you’ll know that it’s usually their way or the highway! You’ll probably have experienced their sarcastic side after you said something they deemed idiotic. And, you probably know that if you’re feeling down…they might not be the most sympathetic of people to turn to.

Well, Aq, the internet sees you – and they’re beating you at your own game (although, in a typically ‘you’ form, you probably just smirked to yourself – ain’t nobody beating you, right?!). Well, take a look.

Here are 24 times the internet proved Aquarians just can’t deal.

1. When They Can’t Deal With Emotions


2. When They Can’t Deal With Getting What They Said They Wanted



3. When They Can’t Deal With *Unnecessary* Politeness


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hot take: waffles >>>>>>>> hot cakes 🚫🥞 #aquarius #kingofthehill #cottonhill #brunch #pancakes #hotcakes #waffles #astrology #astrologymemes #meme #astromemequeen

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4. When They Can’t Deal With Your Stupidity



5. When They Can’t Deal Comprehending There Might Be Another Way


6. When They Can’t Deal With Your Opinion



7. When They Can’t Deal With You Not Getting To The Point



8. When They Can’t Deal With Giving You A Simple Answer To Your Stupid Question



9. When They Can’t Deal With Being Challenged


10. When They Can’t Deal With Apologizing



11. When They Can’t Deal With Teamwork

12. When They Can’t Deal With You Smothering Them


13. When They Can’t Deal With Catching Feelings


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This is truth lol #AquariusBeLike #Deuces

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15. When They Can’t Deal With Being Sympathetic


15. When They Can’t Deal With Letting Anyone In


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i mean :// go off but yall are literally awesome and people love you

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16. When They Can’t Deal With Not Being In Control


17. When They Can’t Deal With Keeping You Around


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Bye 🙋

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18. When They Can’t Deal With Dealing With People



19. When They Can’t Deal With Reciprocated Feelings


20. When They Can’t Deal With Relationship Anxiety


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#♒ #waterbearer #aquarian #aquarius #aquariusshit #blameus #hateus #aquariusbelike #wedontgiveafuck #wetheshit #westandalone

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21. When they can’t deal with apologizing for their awesomeness


22. When They Can’t Deal With Curbing Their Self-righteousness!



23. When They Can’t Deal With Doing What You’re Expecting


24. When They Can’t Deal With Revealing their True Self


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Pic from @eternalskies

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